New Study Uses Math to Decode Creativity and Idea Formation

New Study Uses Math to Decode Creativity and Idea Formation

#news #newstoday #tech #technews #latestnews #techupdates #newsupdates A new research study has examined the mathematical principles governing creativity and innovation, shedding light on how novel ideas emerge. By analysing data across different domains, researchers have identified patterns that could refine the understanding of how individuals and societies generate new concepts….

China Achieves New World Record with 42-Tesla Resistive Magnet Technology

China Achieves New World Record with 42-Tesla Resistive Magnet Technology

China has set a new world benchmark with the development of a powerful 42-tesla resistive magnet. The country has broken the previous 41.4-tesla record maintained by the United States since 2017. The breakthrough was achieved on September 22 by the High Magnetic Field Laboratory at the Hefei Institutes of Physical…