36 Hours After Russell Vought Took Over Consumer Bureau, He Shut Its Operations

36 Hours After Russell Vought Took Over Consumer Bureau, He Shut Its Operations

#news #newstoday #topnews #newsupdates #trendingnews #topstories #headlines The day before Linda Wetzel closed on her retirement home in Southport, N.C., in 2012 — a cozy place where she could open the windows at night and catch an ocean breeze — the bank making the loan surprised her with a fee…

Russell Vought Orders Consumer Protection Bureau’s Headquarters Closed for a Week

Russell Vought Orders Consumer Protection Bureau’s Headquarters Closed for a Week

#news #newstoday #topnews #newsupdates #trendingnews #topstories #headlines Employees at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau received an email on Sunday saying the bureau’s headquarters would be closed for the coming week. “Employees and contractors are to work remotely unless instructed otherwise from our Acting Director or his designee,” said the notice,…

Federal Financial Watchdog Ordered to Cease Activity

Federal Financial Watchdog Ordered to Cease Activity

#news #newstoday #topnews #newsupdates #trendingnews #topstories #headlines Employees of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau were instructed to cease “all supervision and examination activity” and “all stakeholder engagement,” effectively stopping the agency’s operations, in an email from the director of the Office of Management and Budget, Russell Vought, on Saturday evening….