Wild Baboons Fail Mirror Test, Raising Questions on Animal Self-Awareness

Wild Baboons Fail Mirror Test, Raising Questions on Animal Self-Awareness

#news #newstoday #tech #technews #latestnews #techupdates #newsupdates Baboons in their natural habitat have been observed looking at their reflections in mirrors but failing to recognise themselves. Despite reacting to a visible dot on their arms or legs, the primates showed little to no response when a laser dot was projected…

Society expects good-looking people be do-gooders: study

Society expects good-looking people be do-gooders: study

A new study has uncovered a “fascinating link” between looks and behavior that suggests beauty is indeed more than skin deep. Published in the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, results of the study revealed that attractive people are expected by others to be more generous and kind. Furthermore, reserachers found the…

Study Reveals How Brain Divides Continuous Experiences into ‘Movie Scenes’

Study Reveals How Brain Divides Continuous Experiences into ‘Movie Scenes’

New research has uncovered how the brain organises daily experiences into meaningful segments, much like scenes in a film. While we perceive life as a continuous flow, our brains automatically break memories into distinct moments. Scientists have long debated whether these boundaries are set by environmental changes or if they…

Monkeys Study Uncovers Science Behind ‘Choking Under Pressure’

Monkeys Study Uncovers Science Behind ‘Choking Under Pressure’

A recent study sheds light on why both humans and monkeys may struggle to perform under pressure when high rewards are at stake. Researchers found that stress impacts brain signals essential for executing movements, leading to subpar performance. The study involved three monkeys completing tasks to earn water as a…

3 ways to ease back-to-school anxiety: pediatric neuropsychologist

3 ways to ease back-to-school anxiety: pediatric neuropsychologist

Summer is nearly over — them’s the breaks. To ease you into the new school year, a pediatric neuropsychologist is sharing the three things that should be top of mind for parents. Jennifer Katzenstein — director of psychology, neuropsychology and social work at Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital in St….

I’m a scientist of human evolution — men have 3 top dating ‘red flags’

I’m a scientist of human evolution — men have 3 top dating ‘red flags’

Don’t say he didn’t warn you. Writer and scientist Macken Murphy took to TikTok last week to reveal his hypothesis for the three most common red flags that women should look out for when dating men. Murphy, an Oxford University-educated cognitive and evolutionary anthropologist, has declared it a bad sign…

Jordan Peterson could lose psychologist license if he refuses social media ‘re-education’

Jordan Peterson could lose psychologist license if he refuses social media ‘re-education’

Controversial Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson has launched a legal challenge against the College of Psychologists of Ontario after he said the governing body threatened to pull his practicing license if he doesn’t complete social media re-education for comments he made on Twitter and the Joe Rogan’s podcast. Peterson, 60, filed…