Reliable information ‘a matter of life and death’ UN chief tells Security Council — Global Issues

Reliable information ‘a matter of life and death’ UN chief tells Security Council — Global Issues

“Communications is not a side issue or an afterthought,” he said during the first-ever High-Level Debate dedicated to the importance of strategic communications, calling it “central to the success of all our work”. He recalled his 2016 pledge when sworn in as Secretary-General, to “communicate better about what we do,…

UN envoy outlines achievements and challenges in truce implementation — Global Issues

UN envoy outlines achievements and challenges in truce implementation — Global Issues

Ambassadors were briefed by Hans Grundberg, the Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Yemen, and Joyce Msuya, the UN deputy relief chief.  UN Envoy for #Yemen, Hans Grundberg, briefed the #UNSC today on progress & obstacles in the implementation of the truce, the way forward on extending and expanding the truce and…

UN chief calls for dialogue to ensure ‘smooth transition’ of power — Global Issues

UN chief calls for dialogue to ensure ‘smooth transition’ of power — Global Issues

President Gotabaya Rajapaksa has yet to comment publicly on the occupation of his residence, along with that of Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe, but the Prime Minister’s office reportedly said it had been informed that the President planned to step down on Wednesday. President Rajapaksa has become the focus for widespread…

UN report — Global Issues

UN report — Global Issues

The dangers outlined in the report range from conflict escalation, military coups, and takeovers, protracted and new conflicts, as well as violations of international law. Cross-border conflict and intercommunal violence also impacted the protection of children, especially in the Lake Chad Basin and Central Sahel regions. The report highlights almost…

Supporting peacebuilding in Mozambique — Global Issues

Supporting peacebuilding in Mozambique — Global Issues

Benjamin* wants peace. A former RENAMO (Mozambican National Resistance) combatant, he dreams of working his field, in Cheringoma District, Sofala province, once again. Like other former combatants in central Mozambique, he hopes to grow his own vegetables, maize, beans, and cassava, and possibly raise chickens and goats. Just a few…

‘Please, let us in,’ WHO issues plea to reach sick and injured — Global Issues

‘Please, let us in,’ WHO issues plea to reach sick and injured — Global Issues

More than four and half months since Russia’s invasion, civilians have continued to be targeted in explosions and missile strikes, particularly in eastern cities including Donetsk, Sloviansk, Makiivka, Oleksandrivka and Yasynuvata, but also in southern oblasts, in Odessa and Mykolaiv.  Senior UN officials have long called for humanitarian corridors to…

Strengthening multilateralism ‘only way’ to peaceful world for all: Guterres — Global Issues

Strengthening multilateralism ‘only way’ to peaceful world for all: Guterres — Global Issues

The meeting is taking place at an extremely challenging moment for multilateralism and global governance, with the international order “at risk of coming apart at the seams”, he said, citing challenges that include the climate emergency, the COVID-19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine, and new and evolving forms of conflict….

Greater democratic rule vital to boost security in West Africa and the Sahel — Global Issues

Greater democratic rule vital to boost security in West Africa and the Sahel — Global Issues

Khatir Mahamat Saleh Annadif was presenting the latest report of the UN Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS), which he heads, covering developments over the past six months in areas such as politics, security and human rights.  Mr. Annadif highlighted some of the dichotomies across a vast region…

Ukraine reconstruction is a ‘long road’ but it must start now: Guterres — Global Issues

Ukraine reconstruction is a ‘long road’ but it must start now: Guterres — Global Issues

In his video message to some 40 country representatives meeting in Lugano, the Secretary-General highlighted the tragic human impact of the conflict, as well as the long-term challenges that lie ahead: “Russia’s war in Ukraine has taken thousands of lives and forcibly displaced millions of people”, the UN chief said.  Millions of…