UNICEF delivers life-saving supplies for over 50,000 children in Odesa — Global Issues

UNICEF delivers life-saving supplies for over 50,000 children in Odesa — Global Issues

Using a total of 27 cargo trucks, UNICEF was able to access the southern Ukrainian city and pre-position water purification equipment, sanitation and hygiene supplies, to prevent sickness due to lack of clean water and sanitation – a major threat to vulnerable families caught in war. Around 110,000 people will…

UNICEF delivers life-saving supplies for over 50,000 children in Odesa — Global Issues

Reversing ‘negative trends’ essential, Security Council hears — Global Issues

Mounting tensions in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and continued settlement activity and settler-related violence continue. “Immediate steps to reverse negative trends and support the Palestinian people are essential,” said Lynn Hastings, UNSCO’s deputy chief, UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for the Occupied Palestinian Territory, speaking on behalf…

UNICEF delivers life-saving supplies for over 50,000 children in Odesa — Global Issues

Human rights abuses, political stalemates, electoral delays mar progress — Global Issues

Despite some progress, a constitutional and political stalemate continues, prolonging tensions and fuelling insecurity, while clashes in and around Tripoli surge, she added. “The economic situation remains dire,” she continued. “We have witnessed demonstrations by frustrated Libyans over the lack of progress on elections and poor State services. In addition,…

UNICEF delivers life-saving supplies for over 50,000 children in Odesa — Global Issues

Guterres condemns missile strikes in Ukranian Black Sea port of Odesa — Global Issues

“Yesterday, all parties made clear commitments on the global stage to ensure the safe movement of Ukrainian grain and related products to global markets. These products are desperately needed to address the global food crisis and ease the suffering of millions of people in need around the globe. Full implementation…

UNICEF delivers life-saving supplies for over 50,000 children in Odesa — Global Issues

Strengthening Sudan’s fragile peace: A Resident Coordinator Blog

The killing of protestors by security services during large-scale demonstrations in Sudan’s capital Khartoum in June underscores the ongoing political tensions in the country. Against this backdrop, the UN is committed to sustain and build peace in Sudan, say UN Resident Coordinator Khardiata Lo Ndiaye, and Elizabeth Spehar, Assistant Secretary-General…

UNICEF delivers life-saving supplies for over 50,000 children in Odesa — Global Issues

UNHCR alarmed by growing death toll among displaced in eastern DR Congo — Global Issues

“This month, simultaneous attacks by armed groups in Ituri Province have left 11 people dead and 250 homes looted and burned. Between February and June this year, UNHCR and partners recorded over 800 deaths from firearm attacks and machete raids on local communities in Ituri,” reported UNHCR spokesperson Matthew Saltmarsh,…

UNICEF delivers life-saving supplies for over 50,000 children in Odesa — Global Issues

At ‘a crossroad between rebound or collapse’ — Global Issues

Success hinges on the ability and willingness of political leaders to “urgently initiate sustainable solutions” to end deadlock and economic paralysis said Joanna Wronecka, stressing that State institutions must be reformed to meet people’s needs. One year ago, UNICEF warned that the water system was at a breaking point. While…

UNICEF delivers life-saving supplies for over 50,000 children in Odesa — Global Issues

UN envoy calls for extension and expansion of ‘transformational’ truce in Yemen — Global Issues

Mr. Grundberg has intensified his engagement towards full implementation of the truce, and is urging all parties to explore options for expanding and extending it.  UN Envoy Grundberg on truce implementation & prospects of renewal: “The Yemeni people & the international community want & expect the truce to be fully…