Forcing patients to flee hospitals a ‘death sentence’ warns WHO — Global Issues

Forcing patients to flee hospitals a ‘death sentence’ warns WHO — Global Issues

The statement came as the Israeli-imposed deadline for some 1.1 million civilians to leave the northern part of the enclave, ahead of what is expected to be a major advance into Gaza by Israeli ground forces, expired. “UNRWA shelters in Gaza and northern Gaza are no longer safe. This is…

Nowhere to go, as humanitarian situation reaches ‘lethal low’ — Global Issues

Nowhere to go, as humanitarian situation reaches ‘lethal low’ — Global Issues

The development follows an announcement by UN Spokesperson, Stéphane Dujarric, just before midnight Eastern Standard Time on Thursday, that UN representatives in Gaza had been “informed by their liaison officers in the Israeli military” that everyone living north of Wadi Gaza should relocate to southern Gaza within 24 hours. ‘Death…

Victims ‘left in limbo’ as rights probe mandate ends — Global Issues

Victims ‘left in limbo’ as rights probe mandate ends — Global Issues

The independent rights investigators’ final report comes as their mandate ended on Friday, coinciding with the end of the UN Human Rights Council’s 54th session, leaving victims in limbo. Established by the Council in December 2021, their brief from the Council was to conduct through and impartial investigations into alleged…

Israel-Gaza crisis dominates close of Human Rights Council session — Global Issues

Israel-Gaza crisis dominates close of Human Rights Council session — Global Issues

Some 22 countries and one non-governmental organization (NGO) took the floor, turning the meeting into a mini urgent debate on the crisis sparked by Hamas attacks against Israel and the capture of more than 100 Israelis who are being held hostage by militants inside the Gaza Strip. The surprise incursion…

Reducing disaster risk for persons with disabilities, Afghan quake latest, global aid funding off track — Global Issues

Reducing disaster risk for persons with disabilities, Afghan quake latest, global aid funding off track — Global Issues

Persons with disabilities face a “shocking lack of support” with no progress in the last decade, despite a huge increase in climate disasters worldwide, the new UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) report states, and that lack of progress could be a violation of international law. Persons with disabilities…

UN-African Union cooperation a must, as landscape of conflict shifts — Global Issues

UN-African Union cooperation a must, as landscape of conflict shifts — Global Issues

Parfait Onanga-Anyanga, Special Representative of the Secretary-General to the AU, told ambassadors in New York that the alignment between the two organizations is particularly relevant for current challenges. “The African conflict landscape is evolving, becoming more complex and often intractable,” he said. He referred to the report on cooperation between…

Rising death and displacement, including among UN staff — Global Issues

Rising death and displacement, including among UN staff — Global Issues

OCHA cited Israeli media, which reported that as of Monday evening, more than 1,000 Israelis, including foreign nationals, were killed and at least 2,806 people were injured, according to the Ministry of Health. The Ministry of Health in Gaza said at least 830 Palestinians have been killed and 4,250 injured….

UN envoy highlights promising initiatives in Iraq — Global Issues

UN envoy highlights promising initiatives in Iraq — Global Issues

Presenting the Mission’s latest report, UN Special Representative Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert updated ambassadors on key developments since her last briefing in May. She highlighted initiatives carried out under the leadership of Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani, including the recently adopted federal budget, the launch of long-awaited reforms in the banking and…

Civilians bear ‘unbearable’ toll amid ‘unrelenting’ attacks — Global Issues

Civilians bear ‘unbearable’ toll amid ‘unrelenting’ attacks — Global Issues

On Thursday, 5 October, an attack in the village of Hroza in the Kharkiv region resulted in the deaths of at least 52 people, including one child. This incident marked one of the deadliest attacks on civilians since Russia’s invasion in February last year. Less than 24 hours later, the…