Florida best friends Carolynn Shada, Kali Gaynor have babies on the same day at the same hospital

Florida best friends Carolynn Shada, Kali Gaynor have babies on the same day at the same hospital

Two best friends in Florida got to experience one of life’s most meaningful experiences together — becoming mothers — and it was caught on camera. It started in May 2024, when Carolynn Shada announced her pregnancy to her best friend, Kali Gaynor — only to get a surprise of her…

I gave birth on my friend’s couch — she won’t talk to me anymore

I gave birth on my friend’s couch — she won’t talk to me anymore

Lilly* was enjoying a girls’ night at a friend’s house when her baby decided to arrive – not in an Uber, but via her vagina. Lilly unexpectedly gave birth on her friend Ella’s sofa, and learned the first rule of parenting; kids are often selfish with their timing. EMTs were called to oversee the delivery,…

My 2-year-old says ‘f–k you’ to me — I think it’s hilarious

My 2-year-old says ‘f–k you’ to me — I think it’s hilarious

The other night I was in bed reading to my two youngest girls.  I heard my two-year-old toddler mumble something, but I didn’t quite catch it.  “Mommy, did you hear what Lily just said?” my five-year-old daughter asked, wide-eyed. “No honey, what did she say?” She stood up in her nightie, and…

3 ways to ease back-to-school anxiety: pediatric neuropsychologist

3 ways to ease back-to-school anxiety: pediatric neuropsychologist

Summer is nearly over — them’s the breaks. To ease you into the new school year, a pediatric neuropsychologist is sharing the three things that should be top of mind for parents. Jennifer Katzenstein — director of psychology, neuropsychology and social work at Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital in St….