Ex-Palestinian PM Fayyad: ‘PLO should expand to include Hamas’ | Israel-Palestine conflict

Ex-Palestinian PM Fayyad: ‘PLO should expand to include Hamas’ | Israel-Palestine conflict

Former Palestinian Authority PM Salam Fayyad says Palestinians should be tending to their own interests, not Israel’s. “No national liberation movement in history is based on what its enemy wants,” says the former prime minister of the Palestinian Authority, Salam Fayyad. For the Palestinian Authority to have any legitimacy in…

Will the US again veto the UNSC resolution on Gaza? | Israel-Palestine conflict News

Will the US again veto the UNSC resolution on Gaza? | Israel-Palestine conflict News

A United Nations Security Council (UNSC) vote to call for the suspension of hostilities in Gaza and deliver humanitarian aid there has been postponed for a third day in a row. The delays come as the UN chief has sounded an alarm about the deteriorating humanitarian situation in the besieged…

Israel to reopen Karen Abu Salem to allow humanitarian aid into Gaza | Israel-Palestine conflict News

Israel to reopen Karen Abu Salem to allow humanitarian aid into Gaza | Israel-Palestine conflict News

Announcement comes as national security spokesman Jake Sullivan visits the region amid growing international isolation. Israeli authorities have announced the temporary reopening of the Karem Abu Salem crossing with Gaza, called Kerem Shalom by Israel, acquiescing to US calls to allow more humanitarian aid into the strip as fighting grinds…

What is the situation in Gaza’s Khan Younis as Israel intensifies attacks? | Israel-Palestine conflict News

What is the situation in Gaza’s Khan Younis as Israel intensifies attacks? | Israel-Palestine conflict News

Since the one-week truce in Gaza ended on December 1, Israel has expanded its offensive to the besieged enclave’s south, where more than a million Palestinians sought shelter following Israeli bombardment in the north. Israel has intensified attacks on Khan Younis declaring it a “dangerous combat zone”. Gaza’s second-largest city, which…

More Palestinian prisoners freed as Israel-Hamas truce holds into third day | Palestinian Authority News

More Palestinian prisoners freed as Israel-Hamas truce holds into third day | Palestinian Authority News

A third batch of 39 Palestinian prisoners has been freed as the exchange of captives between Hamas and Israel continues for a third day under a four-day truce deal. Large crowds of Palestinians took to the streets in Ramallah in the occupied West Bank on Sunday night as they waited…