NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope Almost Set to Go for Solar System Exploration, Find Universe’s Deepest Secrets

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope Almost Set to Go for Solar System Exploration, Find Universe’s Deepest Secrets

Our wait seems to be nearing its end as NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope is in its final stages of completion before being launched to explore the solar system. The Webb team is undertaking the final stages of commissioning the essential instruments aboard the observatory. Technical operations have also begun…

MIT Researchers May Have Detected Rare ‘Black Widow’ System 3,000 Light-Years From Earth

MIT Researchers May Have Detected Rare ‘Black Widow’ System 3,000 Light-Years From Earth

The universe is full of enigma and mysteries. Millions of objects move around undetected. In fact, there’s no dearth of such objects lurking in our very own Milky Way galaxy. We know very little of them, yet they continue to impact our lives in a number of ways. While the…