UN renews commitment to Yazidi community eight years after ISIL onslaught — Global Issues

UN renews commitment to Yazidi community eight years after ISIL onslaught — Global Issues

ISIL, also known by the Arabic moniker, Daesh, conducted a genocidal campaign against the Yazidis, whose historic homeland is the northern town of Sinjar.   The atrocities they committed included sexual violence, mass executions, forced conversions, and other crimes.    Trauma and perseverance  “As we commemorate this traumatic page of…

Human rights experts call for international investigation into 2020 Beirut explosion — Global Issues

Human rights experts call for international investigation into 2020 Beirut explosion — Global Issues

The powerful blast, caused by a stockpile of ammonium nitrate in a port warehouse, occurred on 4 August 2020 and killed more than 200 people while decimating a vast swath of the Lebanese capital. The explosion destroyed 77,000 apartments, wounded 7,000 people, displaced over 300,000 more, at least 80,000 of…

UN renews commitment to Yazidi community eight years after ISIL onslaught — Global Issues

Yemen truce renewed for another two months — Global Issues

The extension includes a commitment by the Government and Houthi rebels to intensify negotiations to reach an expanded agreement as soon as possible.  The envoy thanked the leadership of both sides for agreeing to the extension, and for their continued constructive engagements.  “I count on the continued cooperation of the parties…

UN renews commitment to Yazidi community eight years after ISIL onslaught — Global Issues

‘De-escalate’ urges UN chief, rise above differences — Global Issues

In a statement issued late Saturday night, the UN chief appealed to all relevant actors “to take immediate steps to de-escalate the situation, avoid any further violence, and ensure the protection of peaceful protesters and State institutions”.  Freedom of expression and peaceful assembly are fundamental rights – UN chief For the…

UN renews commitment to Yazidi community eight years after ISIL onslaught — Global Issues

As vast Za’atari refugee camp turns 10, Syrians face uncertain future — Global Issues

“With the increase in food prices across the world, many refugee families are struggling to meet their basic needs on a daily basis,” said Dominik Bartsch, UNHCR Representative in Amman. “There is of course food assistance provided, but overall, household incomes are declining rapidly and we’re seeing the level of…

UN renews commitment to Yazidi community eight years after ISIL onslaught — Global Issues

Iraq resort shelling a ‘shocking disregard for civilian life’, UN envoy says — Global Issues

Ambassadors convened late in the afternoon New York time, to discuss the 20 July attack in Zahko, a city in the Kurdistan region near the border with Türkiye, in an area where Turkish forces are conducting counter-terrorism operations against outlawed militant groups.  Ms. Hennis-Plasschaert provided a timeline of developments since…

UN renews commitment to Yazidi community eight years after ISIL onslaught — Global Issues

Reversing ‘negative trends’ essential, Security Council hears — Global Issues

Mounting tensions in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and continued settlement activity and settler-related violence continue. “Immediate steps to reverse negative trends and support the Palestinian people are essential,” said Lynn Hastings, UNSCO’s deputy chief, UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for the Occupied Palestinian Territory, speaking on behalf…

UN renews commitment to Yazidi community eight years after ISIL onslaught — Global Issues

Australian teen’s death in prison was ‘utterly preventable’, rights experts say — Global Issues

Yusuf Zahab, 17, had been taken to Syria when he was 11 by older relatives who had become radicalized, according to various media reports.   He is believed to have died from injuries sustained during and after the ISIL siege on Al Hasakah camp in January, compounded by lack of…

UN renews commitment to Yazidi community eight years after ISIL onslaught — Global Issues

Women working together, to survive Lebanon’s economic crisis — Global Issues

Al Atayeb (The Delicacies), a Lebanese women-led cooperative based in Kfardebian town, north of Beirut, specializes in producing Lebanese local and traditional food, such as citrus marmalade, fruit jam, fruit paste, and the famous Lebanese Makdous (Pickled eggplants in oil). The 13 women who make up the cooperative each receive…

UN renews commitment to Yazidi community eight years after ISIL onslaught — Global Issues

At ‘a crossroad between rebound or collapse’ — Global Issues

Success hinges on the ability and willingness of political leaders to “urgently initiate sustainable solutions” to end deadlock and economic paralysis said Joanna Wronecka, stressing that State institutions must be reformed to meet people’s needs. One year ago, UNICEF warned that the water system was at a breaking point. While…