Arab region registers world’s highest unemployment rate, UN survey finds — Global Issues

Arab region registers world’s highest unemployment rate, UN survey finds — Global Issues

However, the Survey of Economic and Social Developments in the Arab Region, published by the UN Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) projects post-COVID-19 economic recovery efforts to prompt a very slight decrease next year – to 11.7 per cent. Mounting poverty Meanwhile, poverty measured against national lines…

Needs rise amid deepening humanitarian and economic crisis — Global Issues

Needs rise amid deepening humanitarian and economic crisis — Global Issues

Ambassadors were briefed by the UN Special Envoy Geir Pedersen and UN Humanitarian Affairs Coordinator, Martin Griffiths, who stressed the need to give Syrians hope.  Some 14.6 million people require support – a 1.2 million increase over 2021 – and the number is expected to reach 15.3 million next year….

Quash death sentence for Jordanian convicted of drug offences, urge UN experts — Global Issues

Quash death sentence for Jordanian convicted of drug offences, urge UN experts — Global Issues

“Under international law, States that have not yet abolished the death penalty may only impose it for the ‘most serious crimes’, involving intentional killing”, the UN Human Rights Council-appointed experts said in a statement, continuing to urge the Saudi Government to “abolish the death penalty for drug convictions”.  Hussein Abo…

UN envoy warns against ‘worrying and dangerous’ military escalation in Syria — Global Issues

UN envoy warns against ‘worrying and dangerous’ military escalation in Syria — Global Issues

Mr. Pedersen feared the ramp-up in military operations has the potential to unravel a strategic stalemate in the war that has brought relative calm for almost three years.  ‘Escalatory dynamics’  “In repeated briefings, I have warned of the dangers of military escalation in Syria. I am here in person today…

Needs rise amid deepening humanitarian and economic crisis — Global Issues

Israeli-Palestinian conflict nearing ‘boiling point’, UN envoy warns — Global Issues

Special Coordinator Tor Wennesland called for stronger international commitment towards the two-State solution and outlined potential ways to move forward.   He reported that high levels of violence in the occupied West Bank and Israel in recent months has resulted in grave suffering.  This included attacks against civilians from both…

Resumption of executions for drug offences ‘deeply regrettable’, UN rights office says — Global Issues

Resumption of executions for drug offences ‘deeply regrettable’, UN rights office says — Global Issues

Spokesperson Liz Throssell said executions have been taking place almost daily over the past two weeks, following the end of a 21-month official moratorium.  “The resumption of executions for drug-related offences in Saudi Arabia is a deeply regrettable step, all the more so coming just days after a wide majority…

Needs rise amid deepening humanitarian and economic crisis — Global Issues

Terrifying surge in violence affecting children ‘must stop’ – UNICEF — Global Issues

“Children in the region continue to suffer the devastating impact of protracted conflicts, communal violence, explosive ordnance and remnants of war, and political and social unrest that permeate several countries”, the UN agency said, including in Iran, Iraq, Libya, Sudan, Syria, Yemen, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Before marking the adoption of the…

Rights expert urges Saudi authorities to allow family to access jailed activist — Global Issues

Rights expert urges Saudi authorities to allow family to access jailed activist — Global Issues

Ms. Lawlor has issued a statement expressing her increasing concern for the health and life of Mohammad Al-Qahtani, a founding member of the Saudi Civil and Political Rights Association, which was dissolved in 2013.   He was sentenced to a decade in prison that same year for allegedly providing false…

Needs rise amid deepening humanitarian and economic crisis — Global Issues

Safety and security of Yemeni civilians at risk unless truce is extended, says human rights chief — Global Issues

Mr. Türk has echoed calls from the UN Secretary-General to extend the truce and to work towards a negotiated settlement to bring the conflict to an end once and for all. The outbreak of war over seven years ago between a pro-Government, Saudi-led coalition, and Houthi rebels – together with…

Needs rise amid deepening humanitarian and economic crisis — Global Issues

Cholera spreading throughout Lebanon, WHO warns — Global Issues

The first case was reported to WHO by the Ministry of Public Health on 6 October, and there have been 381 laboratory-confirmed cases. While the outbreak was initially confined to northern districts, it has spread rapidly said WHO’s office in Lebanon, with laboratory-confirmed cases now reported from all eight governorates…