Israeli settlements ‘systematically erode’ viability of Palestinian State — Global Issues

Israeli settlements ‘systematically erode’ viability of Palestinian State — Global Issues

During the last three months, more than 10,000 housing units were advanced, Tor Wennesland told ambassadors at the UN Security Council in New York. “Settlements further entrench the occupation, fuel violence, impede Palestinian access to their land and resources, and systematically erode the viability of a Palestinian State as part…

Rights experts call for stronger torture prevention measures — Global Issues

Rights experts call for stronger torture prevention measures — Global Issues

The members of the UN Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture (SPT) issued the appeal after concluding their first visit to the State of Palestine, conducted from 10 to 21 September. Daniel Fink, who headed the delegation, said they received full cooperation from the Palestinian Authority to visit locations in the…

Saudi Foreign Minister outlines plans for better, greener Middle East — Global Issues

Saudi Foreign Minister outlines plans for better, greener Middle East — Global Issues

Describing the national vision for 2030, Faisal bin Farhan Al Furhan Al-Saud said it centred on promoting development for future generations and empowering women and young people by developing their creativity. Human rights are of utmost importance, he said, adding that Saudi Arabia has adopted laws to protect its citizens…

Israel on the cusp of historic peace with Saudi Arabia, Netanyahu announces at UN — Global Issues

Israel on the cusp of historic peace with Saudi Arabia, Netanyahu announces at UN — Global Issues

“Such a peace will go a long way in ending Arab-Israeli conflict and will encourage other Arab States to normalize their relations with Israel,” he said, adding that it will also enhance prospects of peace with the Palestinians. The agreement, he emphasized will “encourage a broader reconciliation between Judaism and…

Iraqi Prime Minister highlights national priorities focused on people — Global Issues

Iraqi Prime Minister highlights national priorities focused on people — Global Issues

Addressing the annual high-level general debate of the UN General Assembly, the Prime Minister empahasized that the coalition has adopted a programme with crucial priorities aimed at immediate implementation for the benefit of the Iraqis. These priorities include the creation of employment opportunities, the eradication of poverty, the fight against…

School occupations condemned as violence grips Palestine refugee camp — Global Issues

School occupations condemned as violence grips Palestine refugee camp — Global Issues

Clashes between rival factions in the Ein el Hilweh camp, the largest in Lebanon, has also displaced thousands of refugees, according to reports. Armed groups have taken over eight schools run by UNRWA, the UN agency providing support to Palestine refugees, preventing around 6,000 children from accessing the classroom as…

UN envoy — Global Issues

UN envoy — Global Issues

It represents the highest number of fatalities since 2005 and reflects “concerning trends” seen in recent months throughout the Occupied Palestinian Territory “Palestinians and Israelis are killed and injured in near daily violence – including just hours before this briefing when another fatal shooting attack killed an Israeli in the…

Warring parties must take concrete steps towards an inclusive peace — Global Issues

Warring parties must take concrete steps towards an inclusive peace — Global Issues

UN Special Envoy Hans Grundberg provided an update on his mediation efforts, both in the country and abroad, while Edem Wosornu of the UN humanitarian affairs office, OCHA, reported on access impediments and funding gaps affecting aid delivery to millions. Yemen continues to face a protracted political, humanitarian and developmental…

UN welcomes release of five staff abducted last year in Yemen — Global Issues

UN welcomes release of five staff abducted last year in Yemen — Global Issues

The men – four national staff and a Bangladeshi citizen – were abducted in the southern governorate of Abyan on 11 February 2022 after returning from a field mission. UN Secretary-General António Guterres was delighted to learn of their release, noting that available information suggests they all are in good…