First-Ever Female Burial with Weapons, Believed to Be a Warrior, Discovered in Hungary

First-Ever Female Burial with Weapons, Believed to Be a Warrior, Discovered in Hungary

#news #newstoday #tech #technews #latestnews #techupdates #newsupdates The first confirmed case of a female burial with weapons from the 10th century in the Carpathian Basin, Hungary, has been uncovered. Skeletal remains and grave goods, including weaponry, were identified at the Sárrétudvari-Hízóföld cemetery. This discovery, described by experts, challenges prior assumptions…

123 Bodies Found in England’s Ancient Leicester Cathedral: What You Need to Know

123 Bodies Found in England’s Ancient Leicester Cathedral: What You Need to Know

An excavation near Leicester Cathedral has led to the discovery of a burial pit containing the remains of 123 individuals. The find, described as one of the largest mass graves from the period, dates back over 800 years to the early 12th century. Despite the scale of the burial, no…