‘Down with dictatorship’: Tunisians rally against gov’t crackdown on media | Media News

‘Down with dictatorship’: Tunisians rally against gov’t crackdown on media | Media News

Demonstration comes after two Tunisian commentators critical of President Saeid were sentenced to prison. Several hundred Tunisians have marched through the capital, Tunis, chanting “down with the dictatorship” as they protested a spate of arrests under a presidential decree critics say is being used to stifle dissent. Since Tunisia’s 2011…

Bisan Owda and AJ+ win Peabody Award for Gaza war coverage | Israel War on Gaza News

Bisan Owda and AJ+ win Peabody Award for Gaza war coverage | Israel War on Gaza News

Palestinian journalist dedicates award to protesters around the world who are supporting Gaza. Palestinian journalist Bisan Owda and AJ+ have won a Peabody Award for coverage of the devastating impact Israel’s war on the Gaza Strip has had on Palestinians in the besieged enclave. One of the highest honours in…

Wall Street Journal cuts Hong Kong staff, shifts focus to Singapore | Media

Wall Street Journal cuts Hong Kong staff, shifts focus to Singapore | Media

Company-wide memo says the newspaper is shifting its ‘center of gravity in the region’ to Southeast Asian hub. Hong Kong, China – The Wall Street Journal has announced staff cuts at its Hong Kong bureau as it shifts its “center of gravity in the region” to Singapore, marking the latest…

Abu Dhabi-backed group ends bid to take over Telegraph newspaper | Media News

Abu Dhabi-backed group ends bid to take over Telegraph newspaper | Media News

The move comes after the UK said it would bring forward legislation to block such state-backed takeover deals in media. An Abu Dhabi-backed group planning to take over Britain’s Telegraph Media Group (TMG) has said it will withdraw after the UK government moved to block the deal. RedBird IMI, a…

Two Russian journalists arrested over alleged work for Navalny group | Freedom of the Press News

Two Russian journalists arrested over alleged work for Navalny group | Freedom of the Press News

Konstantin Gabov and Sergey Karelin deny ‘extremism’ charges related to group founded by late anti-Putin dissident. Two Russian journalists have been arrested by their government on “extremism” charges and ordered by courts to remain in custody pending investigation and trial on accusations of working for a group founded by the…

US far-right outlet Gateway Pundit declares bankruptcy | Media

US far-right outlet Gateway Pundit declares bankruptcy | Media

Website announces bankruptcy amid multiple defamation lawsuits related to 2020 presidential election. Gateway Pundit, a far-right outlet known for promoting the conspiracy theory that the 2020 US presidential election was rigged, has declared bankruptcy as it battles a string of defamation lawsuits. Jim Hoft, the outlet’s founder, said in a…

Georgia advances ‘foreign agents’ bill as 20,000 rally against it | Politics News

Georgia advances ‘foreign agents’ bill as 20,000 rally against it | Politics News

The ruling party suddenly reintroduced the bill earlier this month, after mass protests forced its withdrawal last year. The Georgian parliament has advanced a controversial “foreign influence” bill through its first reading, as thousands joined a third day of anti-government protests. The bill, first presented early in 2023 and withdrawn…

NPR editor resigns after accusing US outlet of liberal bias | Media News

NPR editor resigns after accusing US outlet of liberal bias | Media News

Uri Berliner quits broadcaster days after being suspended over essay accusing network of lacking viewpoint diversity. A senior editor at a public broadcaster in the United States who accused his employer of liberal bias, igniting heated debate about standards in journalism, has resigned. Uri Berliner, an editor with National Public…

Lawmakers brawl as Georgian Parliament considers ‘foreign agent’ bill | Politics News

Lawmakers brawl as Georgian Parliament considers ‘foreign agent’ bill | Politics News

Legislators debate bill requiring organisations that accept overseas funds to register as foreign agents or face fines. Lawmakers in Georgia have come to blows inside parliament as ruling party legislators appeared likely to advance a bill on “foreign agents” that has been criticised by Western countries and has caused protests…

Journalist loses foot after being badly wounded in Israeli attack in Gaza | Israel War on Gaza News

Journalist loses foot after being badly wounded in Israeli attack in Gaza | Israel War on Gaza News

Gaza’s media office and Reporters Without Borders say there is evidence to suggest it was a targeted attack. Three journalists have been injured, one seriously, in an Israeli attack at the Nuseirat refugee camp in central Gaza that authorities in the besieged strip say was a targeted attack. Sami Shehadeh,…