Will Trump’s new marijuana position — key in Florida — help him win swing states?

Will Trump’s new marijuana position — key in Florida — help him win swing states?

Former President Donald Trump can make news 24/7 — and that includes on an otherwise sleepy Saturday on Labor Day weekend. While many readers were having breakfast, the Republican presidential nominee broke with Gov. Ron DeSantis and other Florida leaders, supporting the Adult Personal Use of Marijuana citizen initiative that…

Legal NY weed sellers want 1,000-foot buffer zone to stay, poll shows

Legal NY weed sellers want 1,000-foot buffer zone to stay, poll shows

An overwhelming number of legal-pot-shop owners and licensees oppose loosening the buffer zone that bars cannabis stores from being located within 1,000 feet of each other, according to an industry poll.  The survey, conducted by the 300-member New York Cannabis Retail Association, found that 94% of respondents objected to changing the…