’Everything is dead’: How record drought is wreaking havoc on the Amazon | Drought News

’Everything is dead’: How record drought is wreaking havoc on the Amazon | Drought News

Curralinho, Brazil – For communities on the Brazilian island of Marajó, the ebb and flow of the Canaticu River marks the turn of the seasons. During the rainy months, the river is several metres deep, lapping below the wooden houses that rise from its shores on stilts. Residents rely on…

Sky-high inflation takes a toll on mental health in Argentina | Mental Health News

Sky-high inflation takes a toll on mental health in Argentina | Mental Health News

Buenos Aires, Argentina – Psychologist Jesica Bianchiotti, 35, still remembers the days when most sessions with her patients began with a chat about the weather or the results of the latest football match. But those days are long gone. With Argentina facing one of the worst economic crises in its…

Chile rejects conservative constitution, leaving Pinochet-era text in force | Politics News

Chile rejects conservative constitution, leaving Pinochet-era text in force | Politics News

Result comes a year after Chileans rejected a progressive constitution that would have expanded Indigenous rights. Chile has voted to reject a new conservative constitution, leaving the text drafted during the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet in force. With nearly all of the ballots tallied on Sunday night, more than 55…

How did a far-right outsider rise to power in Argentina? | The Far Right

How did a far-right outsider rise to power in Argentina? | The Far Right

In just three years, Javier Milei, an eccentric libertarian economist and regular participant on talk shows on TV, managed to create a political party and become president of Argentina. And in the second round of the election, he beat his Peronist rival Sergio Massa, who was economy minister at the…

Indigenous advocates reject Chile’s new draft constitution ahead of vote | Elections News

Indigenous advocates reject Chile’s new draft constitution ahead of vote | Elections News

For more than a decade, architect Julio Ñanco Antilef has campaigned to rewrite Chile’s constitution, a relic from when General Augusto Pinochet ruled the country as a military dictator. But now, as Chile prepares to vote on a new draft, Ñanco Antilef finds himself in a paradoxical position: hoping to…

Venezuela and Guyana agree not to use force in Essequibo dispute | Politics News

Venezuela and Guyana agree not to use force in Essequibo dispute | Politics News

Leaders hold tense talks after Venezuela organised referendum to claim oil-rich territory that makes up two-thirds of Guyana. Venezuela and Guyana have agreed not to resort to force to settle a territorial dispute over the oil-rich Essequibo region after a tense meeting between the two countries’ leaders in the Caribbean….

‘Regime of impunity’: Victims react to Fujimori’s prison release in Peru | Crimes Against Humanity News

‘Regime of impunity’: Victims react to Fujimori’s prison release in Peru | Crimes Against Humanity News

Lima, Peru – He was horrible at math. Loved to play sports. And always seemed to be smiling. When Gisela Ortiz thinks back to her older brother Luis Enrique, she remembers someone who was kind and generous, willing to lend clothes out of his own closet to classmates in need….

Argentina’s Milei starts shock therapy by devaluing peso by 50 percent | Business and Economy News

Argentina’s Milei starts shock therapy by devaluing peso by 50 percent | Business and Economy News

New president Milei warns of painful measures as currency value slashed, subsidies cut, public works tenders cancelled. Argentina’s government has announced it will slash the value of its currency, the peso, by more than 50 percent against the US dollar as its new far-right president seeks radical solutions to fix…