Call to Freedom for Millions of Children Trapped in Child Labour as Global Conference to Comes to Africa — Global Issues

Call to Freedom for Millions of Children Trapped in Child Labour as Global Conference to Comes to Africa — Global Issues

A child beneficiary holding a drawing portraying domestic violence, at the Centre for Youth Empowerment and Civic Education, Lilongwe, Malawi which partnered with the ILO/IPEC to support the national action plan aimed at combating child labour. Credit: Marcel Crozet/ILO by Joyce Chimbi (nairobi) Friday, May 13, 2022 Inter Press Service Nairobi,…

Give Edible Insects a Chance as an Alternative High-Quality Protein Source, say Scientists — Global Issues

Give Edible Insects a Chance as an Alternative High-Quality Protein Source, say Scientists — Global Issues

A variety of insect-based delicacies. It is estimated that 2.5 billion people around the world eat insects as part of their regular diet. Encouraging the eating of insects could have health and climate change benefits. Credit: icipe by Joyce Chimbi (nairobi) Friday, May 06, 2022 Inter Press Service Nairobi, May 06…