US imposes new sanctions on Iran after attack on Israel | Israel War on Gaza News

US imposes new sanctions on Iran after attack on Israel | Israel War on Gaza News

Sanctions against Iran’s missile and drone programmes come as fears mount over the possibility of greater regional escalation. The administration of United States President Joe Biden has imposed new sanctions on Iran in response to its missile and drone attack on Israel, as tensions mount over the possibility of further…

Biden urges Congress to end impasse and send aid to Israel and Ukraine | Politics News

Biden urges Congress to end impasse and send aid to Israel and Ukraine | Politics News

Citing Iran’s weekend attack against the US ally, President Joe Biden on Wednesday urged lawmakers to pass stalled legislation that would provide billions in military and other aid to Israel. In a Wall Street Journal op-ed, Biden wrote, “[If] Iran succeeds in significantly escalating its assault on Israel, the US…

‘Arsonist and firefighter’: Can the US restrain Israel after Iran attack? | Joe Biden News

‘Arsonist and firefighter’: Can the US restrain Israel after Iran attack? | Joe Biden News

Washington, DC – The response from US President Joe Biden’s administration to Iran’s historic missile and drone attack on Israel has been twofold: Washington has re-upped its pledge to always stand by its “ironclad” ally Israel, while also appealing to the government of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu not to…

‘Disastrous’: Israel-Iran tensions test limits of US policy amid Gaza war | Israel War on Gaza News

‘Disastrous’: Israel-Iran tensions test limits of US policy amid Gaza war | Israel War on Gaza News

Washington, DC – United States President Joe Biden had a brief but stern warning for Iran as it promised to retaliate against Israel for a deadly air raid on its consulate in Damascus: “Don’t.” But analysts say that Iran likely will launch its own attack, raising fears of a regional…

Arizona’s top court allows near-total 1864 abortion ban to go into effect | Courts News

Arizona’s top court allows near-total 1864 abortion ban to go into effect | Courts News

In 1864, the territory of Arizona in the United States passed a law that criminalised nearly all abortions. Arizona was not even a state at the time of the law’s passage. But now, 160 years later, its state Supreme Court has ruled the near-total ban can go into effect in…

Biden unveils new plans to ease US student loan debt for millions | US Election 2024 News

Biden unveils new plans to ease US student loan debt for millions | US Election 2024 News

US president announces renewed effort to provide ‘life changing’ debt relief, a key issue for young voters. Joe Biden has announced plans to ease student loan debt for millions of Americans, as the United States president tries to make good on a promise to younger voters ahead of the general…

Trump says abortion should be up to US states, avoids backing national ban | Donald Trump News

Trump says abortion should be up to US states, avoids backing national ban | Donald Trump News

Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has said the issue of abortion access should be left up to states to decide, eschewing calls from within his party to support a nationwide ban on the procedure in the United States. In a video posted on his Truth Social platform on Monday,…

Why Biden’s White House iftar unravelled amid Gaza war | Israel War on Gaza News

Why Biden’s White House iftar unravelled amid Gaza war | Israel War on Gaza News

Washington, DC – The White House has cancelled a Ramadan iftar meal after several Muslim Americans declined the invitation in protest of President Joe Biden’s support for Israel’s war on Gaza, according to two people familiar with the matter. The sources, who spoke to Al Jazeera on condition of anonymity,…

Biden denounces Florida abortion ruling as ‘outrageous’ as state vote looms | US Election 2024 News

Biden denounces Florida abortion ruling as ‘outrageous’ as state vote looms | US Election 2024 News

United States President Joe Biden has denounced a Florida Supreme Court decision that allows a six-week ban on abortion to take effect, calling it “outrageous” and “extreme”. In a statement released on Tuesday, Biden lashed out at Republicans for limiting reproductive rights in Florida and other US states, a key…

Biden and Xi hold first discussions since November, talk Taiwan and tech | Joe Biden News

Biden and Xi hold first discussions since November, talk Taiwan and tech | Joe Biden News

United States President Joe Biden and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping have had their first direct conversation since November, with officials describing their talk as “constructive”. But details from Tuesday’s phone call hinted at long-running tensions between China and the US, with Xi calling questions of sovereignty in Taiwan a…