USS Gerald R. Ford aircraft carrier heads home after standing guard in Mediterranean Sea

USS Gerald R. Ford aircraft carrier heads home after standing guard in Mediterranean Sea

The USS Gerald R. Ford aircraft carrier strike group, which was moved to the Eastern Mediterranean Sea following the Oct. 7 invasion of Israel by Hamas-led terrorists, will be heading back to its home in Norfolk, Virginia, US military officials said on Monday. The strike group includes the aircraft carrier USS Gerald…

Israel says it will pull out thousands of troops from Gaza | Israel War on Gaza News

Israel says it will pull out thousands of troops from Gaza | Israel War on Gaza News

Israel has come under pressure from its principal ally, the United States, to move to a more low-intensity war. The Israeli military has announced that it will withdraw thousands of its soldiers from the besieged Gaza Strip in the first significant pullback of troops since the war there began in…

Israel’s Supreme Court strikes down judicial overhaul law | Benjamin Netanyahu News

Israel’s Supreme Court strikes down judicial overhaul law | Benjamin Netanyahu News

The majority of the court’s judges vote to strike down the law, saying it would severely damage Israel’s democracy. Israel’s Supreme Court has struck down a highly disputed law passed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s right-wing government that rolled back some of the high court’s power and sparked nationwide protests….

Israel flattened my home, killed my family. But I lit a candle for Gaza | Israel War on Gaza

Israel flattened my home, killed my family. But I lit a candle for Gaza | Israel War on Gaza

Deir el-Balah, Gaza Strip — As we bid farewell to 2023 and welcome 2024, the tragic scenes of ongoing war persist in Gaza. Who could have anticipated such widespread devastation, loss of life, pain and tears? Who could have foreseen the displacement, expulsion, intimidation and suffering? Who could have predicted…

Analysis: Is the Israeli army as militarily successful as it claims? | Israel War on Gaza News

Analysis: Is the Israeli army as militarily successful as it claims? | Israel War on Gaza News

Coordinated, focused, deadly and brutal, the Hamas attacks of October 7 were a shock to Israeli society. The country’s defence, intelligence and security organisations – sources of national pride – were caught unawares and unprepared. They acted slowly and inadequately, with the whole establishment humiliated. The first military reaction was…

Israeli minister reiterates calls for Palestinians to leave Gaza | Israel-Palestine conflict News

Israeli minister reiterates calls for Palestinians to leave Gaza | Israel-Palestine conflict News

Israel’s far-right finance minister says Israelis who would replace Palestinians would ‘make the desert bloom’. Israel’s Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich has called for Palestinian residents of Gaza to leave the besieged enclave, making way for the Israelis who could “make the desert bloom”. Smotrich, who has been excluded from Israeli…

Assad forces target crowded market, kill two: Syria’s White Helmets | Syria’s War News

Assad forces target crowded market, kill two: Syria’s White Helmets | Syria’s War News

Meanwhile, Israel bombed Aleppo and Neirab, leaving Syrians trapped between two forces raining fire from the sky. Idlib, Syria — Two civilians, including a child, were killed, and 16 others, including four children, were injured in an artillery attack by Syrian regime forces targeting a popular market in the centre…

‘Outraged’: Brazilian Muslims face growing Islamophobia over Gaza war | Islamophobia News

‘Outraged’: Brazilian Muslims face growing Islamophobia over Gaza war | Islamophobia News

Sao Paulo, Brazil – It wasn’t unusual for patients to arrive in a foul temper at the hospital emergency room in São Paulo, Brazil, where physician Batull Sleiman worked. After all, every day brought new medical crises, new requests for urgent care. Sleiman had seen it all. But she was…