The Israel-Hamas truce has ended: What we know so far | Israel-Palestine conflict News

The Israel-Hamas truce has ended: What we know so far | Israel-Palestine conflict News

Israel has resumed air raids in Gaza after a seven-day pause in fighting. Here is what we know so far: How did the Israel-Hamas truce end? The Israel-Hamas truce began on November 24 and was renewed twice before ending on Friday. Under the truce, fighting was paused and humanitarian aid…

‘Where should we go?’ Palestinians unprepared as Israel bombards Gaza | Israel-Palestine conflict News

‘Where should we go?’ Palestinians unprepared as Israel bombards Gaza | Israel-Palestine conflict News

Fierce fighting has resumed in Gaza after a weeklong pause in hostilities between Israel and Hamas, with Palestinians left unprepared for the expanding offensive and sirens blaring across southern Israel. Minutes after the truce expired on Friday, the Israeli military started pounding Gaza, accusing Hamas of violating the pause first…

Israel-Hamas war: List of key events, day 56 | Israel-Palestine conflict News

Israel-Hamas war: List of key events, day 56 | Israel-Palestine conflict News

EXPLAINER Israel military says operations have restarted in Gaza after the truce expired – here are the major updates. Here’s what is to know about the situation on Friday, December 1, 2023: Truce, prisoner and captive release The Israeli army says it has resumed fighting against Hamas in the Gaza…

Israel has lost the war of public opinion | Opinions

Israel has lost the war of public opinion | Opinions

In a new media landscape dominated not by Western media giants but by Instagram reels, TikTok videos and YouTube shorts, Israel’s ongoing war on the besieged Gaza Strip is more than televised. Audiences across the world, and especially young people, have been watching the devastation caused by Israel’s indiscriminate bombardment…

COP28: Israel should not be allowed to greenwash its war on Gaza | Environment

COP28: Israel should not be allowed to greenwash its war on Gaza | Environment

As its war on Gaza continues with no end in sight, Israel will be participating in the 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28) which started on Thursday in Dubai. For the Israeli government, this will be an invaluable opportunity to engage in “green diplomacy”, promote its climate technologies, and…

Blinken urges Israel to protect civilians amid tough Gaza truce talks | Israel-Palestine conflict News

Blinken urges Israel to protect civilians amid tough Gaza truce talks | Israel-Palestine conflict News

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has told Israel that it must account for the safety of Palestinian civilians before resuming any military operations in Gaza, where a week-long truce has allowed the exchange of captives held by Hamas for Palestinians imprisoned in Israel. As negotiators from Qatar and Egypt…

Why have so many Palestinian children been killed by Israel? | Israel-Palestine conflict

Why have so many Palestinian children been killed by Israel? | Israel-Palestine conflict

Thousands of children have been killed, maimed, injured or arrested by Israeli forces. Two Palestinian boys have been shot dead by Israeli forces in the occupied West Bank. More than 6,000 children have been killed in Gaza – not counting those still missing or buried under the rubble. And there…

Israel-Palestine war: ‘Ceasefire’ or ‘pause’, what have world leaders said? | Israel-Palestine conflict News

Israel-Palestine war: ‘Ceasefire’ or ‘pause’, what have world leaders said? | Israel-Palestine conflict News

“We are at war. Not an operation, not a round [of fighting], at war,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared to his fellow Israelis on October 7, following a surprise attack by the Palestinian armed group Hamas that killed an estimated 1,200 people in Israel. Within hours, the United States, Israel’s…