Gains, Losses & Lessons One Year On — Global Issues

Gains, Losses & Lessons One Year On — Global Issues

Opinion by Sanam Naraghi (new york) Wednesday, September 20, 2023 Inter Press Service NEW YORK, Sep 20 (IPS) – On September 16th Iranians everywhere commemorated the first anniversary of Mahsa Jina Amini’s murder by the country’s notorious ‘guidance patrol’. Arrested for being badly covered, the 22-year-old was beaten so violently, she…

Dangerous Scramble for Renewable Energy Resources — Global Issues

Dangerous Scramble for Renewable Energy Resources — Global Issues

Opinion by Jomo Kwame Sundaram (kuala lumpur, malaysia) Wednesday, September 20, 2023 Inter Press Service KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, Sep 20 (IPS) – The growing and changing material requirements for new technologies have triggered natural resource scrambles for strategic minerals, generating dangerous rivalries fought out in the global South. Scrambles for resources…

UN Must Live Up to Its Promises of Gender Equality —and Support Women — Global Issues

UN Must Live Up to Its Promises of Gender Equality —and Support Women — Global Issues

Opinion by Shihana Mohamed (united nations) Tuesday, September 19, 2023 Inter Press Service UNITED NATIONS, Sep 19 (IPS) – In 2015, the UN’s 193 member states adopted 17 goals for the health of the world that together comprise the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to be reached worldwide by 2030. The UN…

How an International Criminal Court Investigation Could Expand Human Rights — Global Issues

How an International Criminal Court Investigation Could Expand Human Rights — Global Issues

Flashback to a time when women and girls were able to attend school. UNICEF supported Zarghuna Girls School with educational supplies, teachers’ training, and assists in repairing the infrastructure. Credit: UN Photo/Eskinder Debebe by Abigail Van Neely (united nations) Monday, September 18, 2023 Inter Press Service UNITED NATIONS, Sep 18 (IPS)…

Deepening Democracy in an AI-enabled World — Global Issues

Deepening Democracy in an AI-enabled World — Global Issues

Credit: Unsplash/Steve Johnson Opinion by A.H. Monjurul Kabir (united nations) Monday, September 18, 2023 Inter Press Service UNITED NATIONS, Sep 18 (IPS) – In 2002, the Human Development Report (UNDP) focused on Deepening Democracy in a Fragmented World. It was an important discourse then that evoked lot of insightful cross-regional exchanges…

Multilingual #AfghanGirlsVoices Campaign to Return Millions Back to School — Global Issues

Multilingual #AfghanGirlsVoices Campaign to Return Millions Back to School — Global Issues

Education Cannot Wait’s #AfghanGirlsVoices shines a light on young Afghan girls deprived of their basic right to education and learning. Credit: ECW by Joyce Chimbi (nairobi) Monday, September 18, 2023 Inter Press Service NAIROBI, Sep 18 (IPS) – A Taliban edict is rolling back time in Afghanistan after access to education…

We Must Act to Bridge the Gap Between Words and Deeds — Global Issues

We Must Act to Bridge the Gap Between Words and Deeds — Global Issues

Opinion by Patricia Scotland (london) Monday, September 18, 2023 Inter Press Service LONDON, Sep 18 (IPS) – The author is Commonwealth Secretary-GeneralIn today’s increasingly interconnected world, marked by grave economic, environmental, and security crises that transcend global boundaries, it’s abundantly clear that our interdependence is an undeniable reality. Rt Hon Patricia…

Treated Wastewater Is a Growing Source of Irrigation in Chile’s Arid North — Global Issues

Treated Wastewater Is a Growing Source of Irrigation in Chile’s Arid North — Global Issues

Alfalfa farmer Dionisio Antiquera stands in front of one of the wastewater treatment ponds at the modernized plant in Cerrillos de Tamaya, a rural community in the Coquimbo region of northern Chile. The thousands of liters captured from the sewers are converted into clear liquid ready for reuse in local…