UNICEF says 700,000 children in Sudan face life-threatening malnutrition | UNICEF News

UNICEF says 700,000 children in Sudan face life-threatening malnutrition | UNICEF News

As the war continues, the UN agency warns tens of thousands of children will ‘likely die’ without more aid. At least 700,000 children in Sudan are likely to suffer from the worst form of malnutrition this year, and tens of thousands could die, the United Nations children’s agency has warned….

Norway’s foreign minister tells Al Jazeera why they still fund UNRWA | Hunger

Norway’s foreign minister tells Al Jazeera why they still fund UNRWA | Hunger

NewsFeed ‘We will starve in the streets.’ Gaza residents say they will die without aid from UNRWA. Norway’s foreign minister tells Al Jazeera why his country will keep funding the agency in the face of Western cuts. Published On 29 Jan 202429 Jan 2024 Check out our Latest News and…

What’s the latest UN Gaza resolution that the US has agreed to? | Israel-Palestine conflict News

What’s the latest UN Gaza resolution that the US has agreed to? | Israel-Palestine conflict News

After a week of diplomatic back and forth, the United States has signalled that it is ready to support a United Nations Security Council resolution. Here is what we know about the draft resolution. Why did the US want the draft resolution watered down? The original draft was put forth…

Entire Gaza population facing hunger crisis, famine risk: UN-backed report | Israel-Palestine conflict News

Entire Gaza population facing hunger crisis, famine risk: UN-backed report | Israel-Palestine conflict News

The proportion of households affected by acute food insecurity is largest ever recorded globally, the report says. The entire 2.3 million population of Gaza is facing crisis levels of hunger and the risk of famine is increasing each day, a United Nations-backed report says. The proportion of households in Gaza affected…

Will the US again veto the UNSC resolution on Gaza? | Israel-Palestine conflict News

Will the US again veto the UNSC resolution on Gaza? | Israel-Palestine conflict News

A United Nations Security Council (UNSC) vote to call for the suspension of hostilities in Gaza and deliver humanitarian aid there has been postponed for a third day in a row. The delays come as the UN chief has sounded an alarm about the deteriorating humanitarian situation in the besieged…

Starving Palestinians loot aid trucks as desperation mounts in Gaza’s Rafah | Israel-Palestine conflict News

Starving Palestinians loot aid trucks as desperation mounts in Gaza’s Rafah | Israel-Palestine conflict News

The humanitarian crisis in Gaza continues to worsen after more than two months of Israeli bombing and forced displacement of people to the enclave’s south. On Sunday, hungry and desperate Palestinians were seen jumping onto aid trucks in order to get food and other supplies in Gaza’s Rafah area near…

What is the situation in Gaza’s Khan Younis as Israel intensifies attacks? | Israel-Palestine conflict News

What is the situation in Gaza’s Khan Younis as Israel intensifies attacks? | Israel-Palestine conflict News

Since the one-week truce in Gaza ended on December 1, Israel has expanded its offensive to the besieged enclave’s south, where more than a million Palestinians sought shelter following Israeli bombardment in the north. Israel has intensified attacks on Khan Younis declaring it a “dangerous combat zone”. Gaza’s second-largest city, which…

Top 10 Current Global Issues

With numerous current global problems that need immediate attention, it’s easy to urge pessimistic. However, the quantity of progress that organizations have made in combating these problems is admirable, and therefore the world will still improve within the years to return . By staying active in current events, and standing…