Hungarian president resigns after pardoning child sex abuse accomplice | Child Rights

Hungarian president resigns after pardoning child sex abuse accomplice | Child Rights

NewsFeed Hungary’s President Katalin Novak bowed to public pressure to resign after it was revealed she pardoned the deputy director of a state-run children’s school who was convicted for covering up the sexual abuse of its director. Published On 11 Feb 202411 Feb 2024 Check out our Latest News and…

Hungary’s President Katalin Novak resigns | Government News

Hungary’s President Katalin Novak resigns | Government News

BREAKINGBREAKING, Announcement follows outrage over Novak’s pardoning of a man convicted in a child sexual abuse case. Hungarian President Katalin Novak has resigned. Novak announced her resignation on Saturday after coming under mounting pressure for pardoning a man convicted as an accomplice for helping cover up a sex abuse case…

Swedish PM Kristersson agrees to meet Hungary’s Orban for talks on NATO bid | NATO News

Swedish PM Kristersson agrees to meet Hungary’s Orban for talks on NATO bid | NATO News

After ratification by Turkey, Hungary is the only country left effectively holding up Sweden’s NATO membership. Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson has agreed to meet his counterpart from Hungary, the only NATO member yet to ratify his country’s membership in the military alliance. Swedish public television on Thursday published a…

EU lawmakers push on with move to try and limit Hungary’s voting rights | European Union News

EU lawmakers push on with move to try and limit Hungary’s voting rights | European Union News

More than 100 members of European Parliament signed a letter arguing the move is ‘necessary’ to protect the values of the European Union. Some European Union lawmakers have called on member states to punish the Hungarian leader Viktor Orban by moving closer to withdrawing his voting rights. At least 120…

Turkey’s Erdogan and Hungary’s Orban pledge to strengthen ties in Budapest | NATO News

Turkey’s Erdogan and Hungary’s Orban pledge to strengthen ties in Budapest | NATO News

The two countries are the only holdouts in NATO to not have ratified Sweden’s bid to join the transatlantic military alliance. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban have pledged to strengthen ties after talks in Budapest. The meeting on Monday marked the Turkish president’s second…

Has the Ukraine war made Europe politically mature — or more transactional? | Russia-Ukraine war News

Has the Ukraine war made Europe politically mature — or more transactional? | Russia-Ukraine war News

The European Union hailed its next phase of expansion as a political victory this week when leaders invited Ukraine to open membership talks. That invitation, also issued to Moldova, delivered a message to Moscow that the EU would defend the right of former Soviet states to choose a Western orientation….