End ‘digital divide’ to support victims of sexual violence: Guterres — Global Issues

End ‘digital divide’ to support victims of sexual violence: Guterres — Global Issues

In his message marking the day, the Secretary-General condemned the use of sexual violence as a tactic of ‘war, torture, and repression’ in the conflicts that affect hundreds of millions of people around the world. “Harrowing reports from across the globe are a terrible reminder that this despicable crime persists…

Making the Impossible Possible, Chronicles of an Ambassadors Lifelong Frontline Battle to End Leprosy — Global Issues

Making the Impossible Possible, Chronicles of an Ambassadors Lifelong Frontline Battle to End Leprosy — Global Issues

Yohei Sasakawa chronicles his campaign to rid the world of leprosy in his biography Making the Impossible Possible. Credit: Hurst Publishers by Joyce Chimbi (nairobi) Monday, June 19, 2023 Inter Press Service NAIROBI, Jun 19 (IPS) – In 1974, Yohei Sasakawa accompanied his father to a leprosy hospital he had funded….

We must work together to reign in ‘toxic and destructive’ hate speech — Global Issues

We must work together to reign in ‘toxic and destructive’ hate speech — Global Issues

Hate speech reinforces discrimination and stigma and is most often aimed at women, refugees and migrants, and minorities. If left unchecked, it can even harm peace and development, as it lays the ground for conflicts and tensions, wide scale human rights violations. To turn back the rising tide of hate,…

Could the Cure Be Worse than the Disease? — Global Issues

Could the Cure Be Worse than the Disease? — Global Issues

Opinion by Ines M Pousadela (montevideo, uruguay) Friday, June 16, 2023 Inter Press Service MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay, Jun 16 (IPS) – If you’ve never heard of the Cybercrime Convention, you’re not alone. And if you’re wondering whether an international treaty to tackle cybercrime is a good idea, you’re in good company too….

UN chief insists on solidarity with people of Syria, with ‘no time to spare’ — Global Issues

UN chief insists on solidarity with people of Syria, with ‘no time to spare’ — Global Issues

The UN was asking for $11.1 billion dollars – its largest appeal worldwide – to support Syrians inside the country and those displaced in the broader region, Mr. Guterres said. By the end of the conference, donors announced €5.6 billion in grants, tweeted the UN refugee agency chief Filippo Grandi,…

A Climate Finance Goal That Works for Developing Countries — Global Issues

A Climate Finance Goal That Works for Developing Countries — Global Issues

Opinion by Richard Kozul Wright (geneva) Thursday, June 15, 2023 Inter Press Service GENEVA, Jun 15 (IPS) – After years of failing to meet climate finance commitments, the new climate finance goal under discussion this week in Bonn is critical, but without supporting reforms of the global financial architecture we risk…

News Deserts Are Rampant in Latin America — Global Issues

News Deserts Are Rampant in Latin America — Global Issues

A photo of journalists dedicated to covering the agendas of nearby communities, like these ones in a town in Colombia, is uncommon in poor areas of Latin American countries, where millions of people have no access to information of local interest. CREDIT: Chasquis Foundation by Humberto Marquez (caracas) Wednesday, June 14,…