Want to Prevent Atrocities? Think Locally. Act Locally — Global Issues

Want to Prevent Atrocities? Think Locally. Act Locally — Global Issues

Violent conflicts are at a 30-year high, and the UNHCR has estimated that more than 115 million people will be forcibly displaced before the end of 2023. Credit: UNHCR/Aristophane Ngargoune Opinion by Katie Smith (arlington, virginia) Thursday, August 31, 2023 Inter Press Service ARLINGTON, Virginia, Aug 31 (IPS) – When I…

Refusal to waive IP rights for COVID-19 vaccines violates human rights: Experts — Global Issues

Refusal to waive IP rights for COVID-19 vaccines violates human rights: Experts — Global Issues

The UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) adopted a decision under its “early warning and urgent action” procedures, stating that developed countries’ “persistent refusal” to waive COVID-19 vaccine IP rights – such as patents and trademarks – violated non-discrimination guarantees under international human rights law. CERD is…

General Assembly President Calls for a Human-Centered Approach to Disarmament — Global Issues

General Assembly President Calls for a Human-Centered Approach to Disarmament — Global Issues

Csaba Ko?ro?si, President of the United Nations General Assembly, addresses the General Assembly meeting to commemorate and promote the International Day against Nuclear. Credit: UN Photo/Evan Schneider by Abigail Van Neely (united nations) Wednesday, August 30, 2023 Inter Press Service UNITED NATIONS, Aug 30 (IPS) – The President of the UN…

Rights experts ‘outraged’ over attacks on women activists — Global Issues

Rights experts ‘outraged’ over attacks on women activists — Global Issues

“We are outraged that those searching for forcibly disappeared family members and loved ones continue to be targeted and face violence in Mexico,” they said in a statement, issued in the wake of two recent incidents. Brutal killing Human rights defender Teresa Magueyal was shot dead while riding her bicycle…

Guterres calls for end to ‘atrocious crime’ of enforced disappearances — Global Issues

Guterres calls for end to ‘atrocious crime’ of enforced disappearances — Global Issues

Enforced disappearance has regularly been used as a tool for instilling fear and exert control over a population. The feeling of insecurity it generates is not limited to close relatives of the disappeared, but also their communities and society as a whole. In a post on social media platform X,…

Rights experts call for second UN Decade for People of African Descent — Global Issues

Rights experts call for second UN Decade for People of African Descent — Global Issues

They stressed that more than ever, the world urgently needs humanity to unite and collaborate in a spirit of equality and non-discrimination. “This demands political will to eliminate all forms of racial discrimination, inequality and stratification at both the domestic and international levels,” they said in a statement. Achieving this…

UN expert urges immediate review of discredited UK sentencing scheme — Global Issues

UN expert urges immediate review of discredited UK sentencing scheme — Global Issues

As of the end of 2022, close to 2,900 people were still being held under the scheme. Unresolved legacy Between 2005 and 2012, English and Welsh courts used the IPP legislation to issue indeterminate sentences to those deemed likely to cause serious public harm, “until they no longer represented such…

Hundreds of thousands trafficked into online criminality across SE Asia — Global Issues

Hundreds of thousands trafficked into online criminality across SE Asia — Global Issues

OHCHR said that at least 120,000 people across Myanmar and another 100,000 in Cambodia may be held in situations where they are forced to execute lucrative online scams – from illegal gambling to crypto fraud. Other States including Lao PDR, the Philippines and Thailand have also been identified as main…

109-year-old Tulsa Massacre survivor reflects on legacy of slavery in UN visit — Global Issues

109-year-old Tulsa Massacre survivor reflects on legacy of slavery in UN visit — Global Issues

Together with her grandson, Ike Howard, the 109-year-old Ms. Fletcher came to UN Headquarters this week to commemorate the UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organizations (UNESCO) International Day of Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition. Standing in front of the Ark of Return monument, Ms. Fletcher and Mr….