Why is Amnesty urging India to halt bulldozing of Muslim properties? | Religion News

Why is Amnesty urging India to halt bulldozing of Muslim properties? | Religion News

Amnesty International has called on Indian authorities to immediately halt the “unlawful” demolitions of Muslim properties, as it released two new reports describing the targeting of homes, businesses and places of worship across several states belonging to the minority community. Calling the demolitions a form of extra-judicial punishment, the rights…

Los Angeles under fire for blaring music in train stations to deter homeless

Los Angeles under fire for blaring music in train stations to deter homeless

A US city has come under fire over a controversial plan to deter homeless people that has been described as “psychological torture”. In recent months, Los Angeles has been blasting loud classical music in train stations in a bid to reduce crime and prevent homeless people from loitering. It comes…