Hinge Introduces AI-Powered Prompt Feedback to Help Users Improve Dating Profiles

Hinge Introduces AI-Powered Prompt Feedback to Help Users Improve Dating Profiles

#news #newstoday #tech #technews #latestnews #techupdates #newsupdates Hinge introduced a new artificial intelligence (AI) feature on Wednesday that will enable users of the dating app to build a unique and interesting profile. Dubbed “Prompt Feedback”, the new AI feature shares personalised feedback when a user responds to a suggested text…

TikToker dines and dashes on Hinge date who brought friend for an expensive hibachi first date

TikToker dines and dashes on Hinge date who brought friend for an expensive hibachi first date

The ole’ date and switch. A clever man “dined and dashed” on his Hinge date after realizing she — and the friend she showed up with for the romantic evening — was taking him through the wringer, thinking he would foot their costly bill. The TikToker, whose username is Johnny…