Can Haiti’s new prime minister bring stability? | TV Shows

Can Haiti’s new prime minister bring stability? | TV Shows

A transitional presidential council sworn in last month has chosen a leader for the country for the next two years. Haiti’s transition council has selected Garry Conille to be installed as the country’s prime minister. For years, Haiti has suffered from violence, political instability and poverty. In recent months, gang…

Haiti transitional council names Conille prime minister amid gang violence | Government News

Haiti transitional council names Conille prime minister amid gang violence | Government News

Garry Conille, who briefly served in the role from 2011 to 2012, has since worked as a regional director for UNICEF. A nine-member council in charge of overseeing Haiti’s political transition has named politician Garry Conille as the Caribbean nation’s next prime minister. Tuesday’s decision comes amid a period of…

Art, violence and resistance: Raoul Peck and Viet Thanh Nguyen | Al Jazeera

Art, violence and resistance: Raoul Peck and Viet Thanh Nguyen | Al Jazeera

Filmmaker Raoul Peck and author Viet Thanh Nguyen discuss their road to making art that’s political and subversive. Haitian filmmaker Raoul Peck highlights the roots of violence and inequality today. He is best known for his Oscar-nominated documentary – I Am Not Your Negro about civil rights icon James Baldwin…

US calls for swift police deployment to Haiti after missionaries killed | Police News

US calls for swift police deployment to Haiti after missionaries killed | Police News

The administration of United States President Joe Biden has called for the rapid deployment of a Kenyan-led security force to Haiti following the killing of three missionaries working with a US group in the violence-hit Caribbean country. The appeal on Friday came shortly after the non-profit Missions in Haiti Inc…

Why are Kenyan forces set to intervene in Haiti and how is the US involved? | Police News

Why are Kenyan forces set to intervene in Haiti and how is the US involved? | Police News

Kenyan President William Ruto is in the United States for a three-day state visit in the first such trip for an African leader since 2008. When Ruto meets his counterpart Joe Biden at the White House on Thursday, at the top of their agenda will be a multinational security intervention…

Kenya’s President Ruto visits US as police deployment to Haiti takes shape | Politics News

Kenya’s President Ruto visits US as police deployment to Haiti takes shape | Politics News

Kenyan President William Ruto is on a visit to the United States this week, amid efforts to deepen economic and security cooperation between the two countries, as well as launch a long-stalled police deployment to Haiti. The trip comes as US President Joe Biden’s administration has sought to strengthen partnerships…

About 282 million people faced acute hunger last year: UN-led report | Hunger News

About 282 million people faced acute hunger last year: UN-led report | Hunger News

Food insecurity worsened around the world in 2023, with about 282 million people suffering from acute hunger due to conflicts, particularly in Gaza and Sudan, according to United Nations agencies and development groups. Extreme weather events and economic shocks added to the number of those facing acute food insecurity, which…

‘Unconscionable’: US sends dozens to Haiti on deportation flight | Migration News

‘Unconscionable’: US sends dozens to Haiti on deportation flight | Migration News

Deportations ‘could be a death sentence’, advocates say, as gang violence and instability grip the Caribbean country. The United States has sent dozens of Haitian citizens back to their country on a deportation flight, despite a surge in deadly gang violence and widespread instability in the Caribbean nation. A spokesperson…

Haiti establishes council to choose new leaders as gang violence rages | Politics News

Haiti establishes council to choose new leaders as gang violence rages | Politics News

Questions remain over long-awaited transitional body tasked with picking next prime minister and cabinet. Haiti has formally established a transitional council to fill a leadership vacuum by choosing a new prime minister, and to restore order in the Caribbean country ravaged by gang violence. A decree published in the official…

Rights advocates demand end to Haiti deportations as unrest continues | Migration News

Rights advocates demand end to Haiti deportations as unrest continues | Migration News

Rights advocates are calling on countries across the Americas — notably the United States and the Dominican Republic — to stop deporting migrants and asylum seekers to Haiti amid a surge in gang violence and political instability there. Speaking at an event on Thursday in Washington, DC, Guerline Jozef, head…