Hungary’s President Katalin Novak resigns | Government News

Hungary’s President Katalin Novak resigns | Government News

BREAKINGBREAKING, Announcement follows outrage over Novak’s pardoning of a man convicted in a child sexual abuse case. Hungarian President Katalin Novak has resigned. Novak announced her resignation on Saturday after coming under mounting pressure for pardoning a man convicted as an accomplice for helping cover up a sex abuse case…

PTI-linked independents take Pakistan election lead as counting nears end | Elections News

PTI-linked independents take Pakistan election lead as counting nears end | Elections News

Candidates linked to jailed former Prime Minister Imran Khan’s political party are in the lead in Pakistan’s election, ahead of two dynastic parties believed to be favoured by the military, as vote counting enters its final leg. In an AI-generated “victory speech” posted on the social media platform X on…

Government Said to Seek an End to WTO’s 1998 Tariff Freeze on Digital Trade

Government Said to Seek an End to WTO’s 1998 Tariff Freeze on Digital Trade

India is seeking to end a freeze on countries taxing electronic trade, a move that would allow tariffs to be imposed on anything from software downloads to video games. New Delhi will ask World Trade Organization members to lift a moratorium on customs duties on electronic transmissions, according to a…

Arrests within hundreds of Senegalese protestors after election postponed | Government

Arrests within hundreds of Senegalese protestors after election postponed | Government

NewsFeed After Senegalese President Macky Sall postponed the presidential vote, hundreds of Senegalese demonstrators gathered in Dakar to protest. Police threw tear gas as several demonstrators were arrested. Published On 5 Feb 20245 Feb 2024 Check out our Latest News and Follow us at Facebook Original Source

Sinn Fein’s Michelle O’Neill appointed Northern Ireland’s first minister | Government News

Sinn Fein’s Michelle O’Neill appointed Northern Ireland’s first minister | Government News

Sinn Fein’s Michelle O’Neill has been formally appointed Northern Ireland’s first minister by the regional parliament, the first time an Irish nationalist is leading the United Kingdom territory’s devolved government. O’Neill’s appointment, confirmed by the speaker, on Saturday came after the rival Democratic Unionist Party (DUP), the biggest pro-UK party,…

Argentina’s lower house approves Milei’s ‘omnibus’ reform bill | Government News

Argentina’s lower house approves Milei’s ‘omnibus’ reform bill | Government News

The president introduced the divisive reform package in an attempt to transform the economy and the state. Legislators in Argentina have approved President Javier Milei’s divisive “omnibus” reform bill after days of debate, paving the way for a decisive vote in the Senate. The lower chamber of deputies approved the…

German upper house approves bill easing citizenship rules | Demographics News

German upper house approves bill easing citizenship rules | Demographics News

Lawmakers in the upper house of parliament passed the legislation that will simplify the process of naturalisation. German lawmakers have passed a bill that makes the process of obtaining citizenship easier, and moved to simplify repatriations. The naturalisation reform, approved by the upper house of parliament on Friday, allows people…

Progressive US lawmaker Omar faces censure over mistranslated speech | Government News

Progressive US lawmaker Omar faces censure over mistranslated speech | Government News

Washington, DC – A new Republican firestorm has ignited around United States Congress member Ilhan Omar — this time over alleged statements she made during a speech to Somali Americans. The only problem, according to two independent analyses of the speech, is that the words that fuelled the uproar appear…

Argentina lawmakers debate Milei’s ‘omnibus’ economic reform bill | Business and Economy News

Argentina lawmakers debate Milei’s ‘omnibus’ economic reform bill | Business and Economy News

Opposition has pledged to block the president’s mega-bill to reform the economy, politics and even some aspects of private life. Argentina’s lower house of Congress has begun what is expected to be a marathon debate on libertarian President Javier Milei’s mega-bill to reform the economy, politics and even some aspects…

CEOs of Meta, X, TikTok grilled about online child safety at US hearing | Social Media News

CEOs of Meta, X, TikTok grilled about online child safety at US hearing | Social Media News

Parents and lawmakers say executives are not doing enough to thwart dangers, including sexual exploitation and bullying. CEOs from Meta, TikTok, X and other companies have been grilled by United States lawmakers over the dangers that children and teens face using the social media platforms. On Wednesday, the executives testified…