Will a four-day work week solve Germany’s labour shortage? | Business and Economy

Will a four-day work week solve Germany’s labour shortage? | Business and Economy

Germany, Europe’s industrial powerhouse, is struggling with a critical labour shortage. By some estimates, two million jobs across the economy are vacant, and half of the country’s companies are unable to find enough workers. Faced with this crisis, dozens of firms are testing a strategy that, on the surface, at…

Far-left group claims attack on Tesla factory in Germany | Technology News

Far-left group claims attack on Tesla factory in Germany | Technology News

Production halted at electric vehicle plant in Brandenburg after suspected arson attack causes power outage. Tesla has halted production at its German factory after power lines supplying the plant were set on fire in an act of “sabotage” claimed by a far-left group. Emergency services were called early on Tuesday…

Russia accuses Western ambassadors of meddling in internal affairs | Russia-Ukraine war News

Russia accuses Western ambassadors of meddling in internal affairs | Russia-Ukraine war News

Moscow hit out at envoys claiming they refused to meet with foreign minister, as relations continue to deteriorate. Russia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has accused Western ambassadors in Moscow of meddling in its internal affairs and questioned their function. The statement on Tuesday followed complaints from Moscow’s Foreign Minister Sergey…

Russia claims German military leak proves Western involvement in Ukraine | Russia-Ukraine war News

Russia claims German military leak proves Western involvement in Ukraine | Russia-Ukraine war News

A wiretap recording of German military officials published over the weekend proves Western countries were participating in the conflict in Ukraine, the Kremlin has claimed. The assertion was made by a spokesman on Monday, shortly after Moscow had reportedly summoned the German ambassador. The previous day, Berlin said that the…

A woman has to be ‘stronger than a lion’ to cross the Mediterranean | Migration

A woman has to be ‘stronger than a lion’ to cross the Mediterranean | Migration

Mediterranean Sea – On the open sea, thousands of kilometres from land, on a flimsy blue wooden boat, 21-year-old Linda* from Daraa, Syria, didn’t care if she lived or died. She and 125 other refugees had left the Libyan coastal city of Sabratha in the dark of night, and her…

Dahomey doc on Europe’s looted African art wins Berlin film festival | Arts and Culture News

Dahomey doc on Europe’s looted African art wins Berlin film festival | Arts and Culture News

Dahomey, a documentary by Franco-Senegalese director Mati Diop probing the thorny issues surrounding Europe’s return of looted antiquities to Africa, has won the Berlin International Film Festival’s top prize. Kenyan-Mexican Oscar winner Lupita Nyong’o announced the seven-member panel’s choice for the Golden Bear award at a gala ceremony in the…

US, European powers back outgoing Dutch PM Mark Rutte as next NATO head | NATO News

US, European powers back outgoing Dutch PM Mark Rutte as next NATO head | NATO News

Support of top NATO powers makes Rutte favourite to succeed current Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg in October. The United States, United Kingdom, France and Germany have all thrown their weight behind outgoing Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte to become NATO’s next secretary general, at a crucial time for the alliance…