Minimal risk of monkeypox transmission in UK following confirmed case — Global Issues

Minimal risk of monkeypox transmission in UK following confirmed case — Global Issues

On 7 May, UK health authorities notified WHO of the confirmed case in an individual who had recently returned to the country from Nigeria.  Monkeypox is a viral disease that occurs primarily in tropical rainforest areas of Central and West Africa.  It is occasionally exported to other regions.  Modes of…

Support for war crimes investigations ‘of paramount importance’ — Global Issues

Support for war crimes investigations ‘of paramount importance’ — Global Issues

Special Rapporteur Morris Tidball-Binz called on the international community to step up support for Ukraine’s own investigations, and welcomed progress made so far by the Office of the Prosecutor General in ensuring perpetrators are brought to justice.  He also commended the international community’s swift mobilization in establishing mechanisms and initiatives…

Amid fresh Russian claims, no trace of secret bioweapons programme — Global Issues

Amid fresh Russian claims, no trace of secret bioweapons programme — Global Issues

“This remains the case today,” Thomas Markram said.  The Russian Federation, the United States and Ukraine are all States Parties to the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention prohibiting the development, production, acquisition, transfer, stockpiling and use of biological and toxin weapons.  Channels for recourse  Mr. Markram – who is also the…

Amid fresh Russian claims, no trace of secret bioweapons programme — Global Issues

Russian Invasion Blamed for 44 Million People Marching Towards Hunger & Starvation — Global Issues

by Thalif Deen (united nations) Friday, May 13, 2022 Inter Press Service UNITED NATIONS, May 13 (IPS) – The Russian invasion of Ukraine last February has triggered multiple crises in several fronts: the deaths of thousands of civilians, the destruction of heavily populated cities, the rise in military spending in Europe,…

The Time to Support the Global South is Now — Global Issues

The Time to Support the Global South is Now — Global Issues

Martin Schulz Opinion by Martin Schulz (berlin) Friday, May 13, 2022 Inter Press Service BERLIN, May 13 (IPS) – While the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine is shaking up the European security order, other parts of the world are being particularly affected by the war’s ‘side effects’. The struggle against…

Mariupol evacuations ‘a glimmer of hope’ in Ukraine war — Global Issues

Mariupol evacuations ‘a glimmer of hope’ in Ukraine war — Global Issues

“Our recent efforts to evacuate civilians in the east has shown us that there is good will and common ground for us to build on between the parties,” she told ambassadors.    Monumental feat Joint operations by the UN and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) resulted in more…

War and Famines Warnings of Potential Outcomes of the War in Ukraine — Global Issues

War and Famines Warnings of Potential Outcomes of the War in Ukraine — Global Issues

Opinion by Jan Lundius (stockholm) Thursday, May 12, 2022 Inter Press Service STOCKHOLM, May 12 (IPS) – An entirely unnecessary and all too tangible nightmare continues to scourge Ukraine. Without doubt, one catastrophe after another still awaits. Much of Ukraine’s harvest, of paramount importance to global food supply, is at risk…

Amid fresh Russian claims, no trace of secret bioweapons programme — Global Issues

Another European war ‘not an impossibility’; Unity crucial in Bosnia and Herzegovina — Global Issues

High Representative Christian Schmidt said that more than 26 years after the signing of the General Framework Agreement for Peace – known as the Dayton Accords – citizens are once again talking about the possibility of another conflict, posing the risk of inflammatory incidents.  “The conflict in Ukraine, not so…

Amid fresh Russian claims, no trace of secret bioweapons programme — Global Issues

Dialogue and cooperation needed for ‘interlinked global crises’ UN chief says in Austria — Global Issues

Expressing his “deep gratitude” for the country’s “unwavering commitment to multilateralism,” Secretary-General António Guterres said that support and commitment are “more critical today than ever”. “In our time – a time of conflicts, climate crisis and COVID-19 – there is simply no sustainable alternative to dialogue, international cooperation, and global…

Women Leading Humanitarian Efforts in Ukraine, Now Include them in Leadership, say UN Women and CARE — Global Issues

Women Leading Humanitarian Efforts in Ukraine, Now Include them in Leadership, say UN Women and CARE — Global Issues

Women have been highly impacted by the Ukraine war, and have headed humanitarian efforts in their communities, but are still absent from leadership positions. UN Women and Care called for their meaningful inclusion in planning and decision-making processes. Credit: Ed Holt/IPS by Naureen Hossain (new york) Wednesday, May 11, 2022 Inter…