Do elephants really call to each other by name? | Wildlife News

Do elephants really call to each other by name? | Wildlife News

In a remarkable experiment of artificial intelligence meets elephants, researchers have successfully demonstrated how the giant mammals call to each other using individual names. According to a new study published in Nature Ecology and Evolution, African savannah elephants in Kenya were observed and listened to, using machine learning software called…

EU states push past opposition to adopt landmark nature restoration law | Environment News

EU states push past opposition to adopt landmark nature restoration law | Environment News

The law includes legally binding targets and obligations for not only preserving, but restoring natural habitats. The European Union countries have defeated opposition to greenlight a landmark nature restoration law that commits member states to revitalise at least a fifth of the bloc’s land and sea by 2030. Twenty of…

Advocates welcome passage of bill to tackle environmental racism in Canada | Environment News

Advocates welcome passage of bill to tackle environmental racism in Canada | Environment News

Advocates say Canada’s first environmental justice law will help chart scale of problem, address negative health impact. Environmental and social justice advocates in Canada have welcomed a new bill that pledges to develop a national strategy to prevent and address the effects of environmental racism. In a statement on Friday,…

Wild Przewalski’s horses return to Kazakhstan after 200 years | Wildlife News

Wild Przewalski’s horses return to Kazakhstan after 200 years | Wildlife News

The first group of seven horses arrived in Kazakhstan in early June and a further 40 are planned for the next five years.  Przewalski’s horses have returned to the steppes of Kazakhstan after nearly 200 years, part of an ambitious scheme to reintroduce the world’s last wild horses to their…

‘The future is dark’: Inside the Brazilian businesses shattered by floods | Floods News

‘The future is dark’: Inside the Brazilian businesses shattered by floods | Floods News

Rambo’s store is one of around 45,000 businesses in the state capital that have been impacted by these devastating floods. Porto Alegre’s Chamber of Store Managers estimates that the total cost to commerce in the city was 487.7 million reals ($91m) between April 29 through May 26. The floods began…

Detained Uganda anti-pipeline activist released | Oil and Gas News

Detained Uganda anti-pipeline activist released | Oil and Gas News

Environmental Governance Institute says Stephen Kwikiriza in ‘poor condition’ after ‘severe beatings’ in detention. An activist with an environmental group campaigning to block a $5bn internationally financed oil pipeline running through Uganda has been released from detention, his employer says. The Environmental Governance Institute (EGI) said in a statement on…

‘Fighting for 40 years’ – the tiny Texas community facing down Big Industry | Environment

‘Fighting for 40 years’ – the tiny Texas community facing down Big Industry | Environment

Corpus Christi, Texas, US – “It’s a beautiful bay, and it was even more beautiful in the beginning,” says 72-year-old Encarnacion “Chon” Serna, a retired chemical engineer, as he describes Corpus Christi Bay, which lies just a few feet from his doorstep in Portland, Corpus Christi in Texas. It’s the…

UN warns of ‘significant’ disease risk after Papua New Guinea landslide | Environment News

UN warns of ‘significant’ disease risk after Papua New Guinea landslide | Environment News

The UN’s migration agency says displaced residents urgently need clean water, purification tablets and food supplies. Papua New Guinea has ruled out finding more survivors under the rubble of last week’s massive landslide, as a UN agency warned of a “significant risk of disease outbreak” among displaced residents, who are…

Papuans head to Indonesian court to protect forests from palm oil | Indigenous Rights News

Papuans head to Indonesian court to protect forests from palm oil | Indigenous Rights News

Indigenous activists from the Indonesian province of West Papua have held traditional ceremonies outside the country’s Supreme Court in Jakarta calling for their traditional land and forests to be protected from palm oil plantations. Representatives of the Awyu and Moi communities held prayers and performed dances in front of the…