Energy Crisis in Cuba Calls for Greater Boost for Renewable Sources — Global Issues

Energy Crisis in Cuba Calls for Greater Boost for Renewable Sources — Global Issues

A group of drivers push a car at the end of a long line to refuel in Havana. The Cuban authorities say the fundamental cause of the shortage of diesel and gasoline has to do with breaches of contracts by suppliers. CREDIT: Jorge Luis Baños/IPS by Luis Brizuela (havana) Thursday, April…

A Plan for the Gulf States to Power a Low-Emissions Revolution — Global Issues

A Plan for the Gulf States to Power a Low-Emissions Revolution — Global Issues

Building renewables plants across the Global South is a preferable alternative to generate fewer emissions — but the international community has to date been unwilling to provide the substantial funding needed to construct this type of additional generation capacity at the level developing countries require. Credit: Isaiah Esipisu/IPS Opinion by…

BPs Shift ‘Back to Petroleum’ Prods Consideration of a Climate Oil Price Cap — Global Issues

BPs Shift ‘Back to Petroleum’ Prods Consideration of a Climate Oil Price Cap — Global Issues

BP’s recent journey points to the need for instruments that influence profits specifically, and notably reconsideration of the controversial price control tool: a climate-driven price cap on oil. Credit: Bigstock Opinion by Philippe Benoit (washington dc) Monday, March 13, 2023 Inter Press Service WASHINGTON DC, Mar 13 (IPS) – BP, the…

The Western Threat to Russia — Global Issues

The Western Threat to Russia — Global Issues

Opinion by Jan Lundius (stockholm, sweden) Monday, March 06, 2023 Inter Press Service STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Mar 06 (IPS) – Putin’s regime recently suspended Russia’s participation in a nuclear arms agreement with Washington. After the decision Putin declared that the move was a retaliation for the US’s, France’s and Britain’s “targeting” of…

Interwoven Global Crises Can Best be Solved Together — Global Issues

Interwoven Global Crises Can Best be Solved Together — Global Issues

Mangroves in Tai O, Hong Kong. Coastal wetland protection and restoration is an example of the kind of multifunctional solution that is needed to address multiple global crises together. Credit: Chunyip Wong / iStock Opinion by Paula Harrison – Pamela McElwee – David Obura (bonn) Thursday, March 02, 2023 Inter Press…

Forests Disappearing in Energy Poor Zimbabwean Cities — Global Issues

Forests Disappearing in Energy Poor Zimbabwean Cities — Global Issues

Zimbabwe is losing 262 000 hectares of forests destroyed every year. Credit: Jeffrey Moyo/IPS by Jeffrey Moyo (harare) Tuesday, February 28, 2023 Inter Press Service HARARE, Feb 28 (IPS) – In New Ashdon Park, a medium-density area in the Zimbabwean capital, Harare, at new homes that have replaced a once thriving…

Dr. Anthony Fauci emerges from home, keeps quiet after latest COVID lab leak report

Dr. Anthony Fauci emerges from home, keeps quiet after latest COVID lab leak report

What’s up, doc? Former White House chief medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci emerged from his home Monday, one day after a bombshell report revealed that the Energy Department has concluded that COVID-19 likely leaked from a lab in Wuhan, China. Fauci, who retired after more than five decades as a federal employee…

Role of Regional Economic Cooperation in Inclusive Digital Transformation in Asia — Global Issues

Role of Regional Economic Cooperation in Inclusive Digital Transformation in Asia — Global Issues

Farmer using tablet to contact customer/ iStock Opinion by Hsiao Chink Tang, Anne Cortez (beijing, the people’s republic of china) Tuesday, February 21, 2023 Inter Press Service BEIJING, The People’s Republic of China, Feb 21 (IPS) – Digitalization is a key driver of competitiveness and development. As the world takes the…

How the Privatization of Eletrobras May Lead To an Uncertain Future in Brazils Energy Transition and Favor Price Increase to the End-Consumer

How the Privatization of Eletrobras May Lead To an Uncertain Future in Brazils Energy Transition and Favor Price Increase to the End-Consumer

Brazil’s then-President Jair Bolsonaro launched the sale of shares of Eletrobras, the largest company in the electricity sector in Brazil, which will be privatized through its capitalization. CREDIT: Alan Santos/PR-Public Photos Opinion by Victoria Barreto Vieira do Prado (new york) Wednesday, February 15, 2023 Inter Press Service NEW YORK, Feb 15…