Did Earth Create the Moon? Research Uncovers Clues About Lunar Formation

Did Earth Create the Moon? Research Uncovers Clues About Lunar Formation

#news #newstoday #tech #technews #latestnews #techupdates #newsupdates A recent investigation into the moon’s formation and Earth’s water origin has provided compelling insights. Researchers from the University of Göttingen and the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research (MPS) conducted analyses on lunar and terrestrial samples, revealing that the moon was…

Gold-Sulfur Complex Found to Play Crucial Role in Gold Deposit Formation

Gold-Sulfur Complex Found to Play Crucial Role in Gold Deposit Formation

#news #newstoday #tech #technews #latestnews #techupdates #newsupdates A breakthrough discovery by an international team of scientists has highlighted the role of a gold-sulfur complex in the formation of gold deposits on Earth. The study, co-authored by Adam Simon, Professor of Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of Michigan, was…

Earth’s Inner Core Might Be Slowing Down and Changing Shape, New Study Reveals

Earth’s Inner Core Might Be Slowing Down and Changing Shape, New Study Reveals

#news #newstoday #tech #technews #latestnews #techupdates #newsupdates Research indicates that Earth’s solid inner core, a metal sphere encased within the molten outer core, could be undergoing changes in both rotation and surface structure. Studies involving seismic waves from earthquakes have revealed that the core’s rotation may have slowed, paused or…

Study Reveals Ultra-Low Velocity Zones May Be More Common in Earth’s Mantle Than Previously Thought

Study Reveals Ultra-Low Velocity Zones May Be More Common in Earth’s Mantle Than Previously Thought

New research suggests that peculiar zones in the Earth’s mantle, where seismic waves slow dramatically, may be more common than previously thought. These ultra-low velocity zones (ULVZs) have intrigued scientists for years due to their ability to slow seismic waves by up to 50 percent. Recent findings indicate that these…