DR Congo ends impasse to appoint new government | Politics News

DR Congo ends impasse to appoint new government | Politics News

Five-month delay since election featured an attempted coup as conflict rages in mineral-rich east. The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has unveiled a new government, ending more than five months of deep uncertainty. Wednesday’s announcement about the new cabinet’s appointment signalled the end of the long impasse that followed…

Three reported killed as DR Congo military averts ‘attempted coup’ | Military News

Three reported killed as DR Congo military averts ‘attempted coup’ | Military News

DEVELOPING STORYDEVELOPING STORY, Military says coup was ‘nipped in the bud’ by the forces and the perpetrators were arrested, including foreigners. Three people have been reported killed in the Democratic Republic of Congo’s (DR Congo) capital following a shootout between armed men in military uniform and guards of a top…

At least 12 killed in bomb attacks on eastern DR Congo displacement camps | Conflict News

At least 12 killed in bomb attacks on eastern DR Congo displacement camps | Conflict News

At least 12 people, including children, have been killed in twin bomb blasts that hit two camps for displaced people in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, according to government officials, the United Nations and an aid group. Friday’s explosions targeted the camps in Lac Vert and Mugunga, near the…

Eastern DRC ‘at breaking point’ as security, humanitarian crises worsen | Armed Groups News

Eastern DRC ‘at breaking point’ as security, humanitarian crises worsen | Armed Groups News

War is on the doorstep of eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo’s Goma city and the region is at breaking point, activists and aid workers have said, as the United Nations sounds an alarm over the situation in the Central African country. “One Congolese person out of four faces hunger…

David Miliband on global crises: Gaza, DRC, Sudan, Ukraine | Conflict

David Miliband on global crises: Gaza, DRC, Sudan, Ukraine | Conflict

The International Rescue Committee president discusses the urgent international responses required for ongoing emergencies. In this episode, we explore the essential role of non-governmental organisations in confronting global emergencies. The International Rescue Committee, initiated by Albert Einstein, is known for its impactful work. The organisation delivers aid and hope to…

Democratic Republic of Congo is facing a humanitarian crisis | Humanitarian Crises

Democratic Republic of Congo is facing a humanitarian crisis | Humanitarian Crises

Heavy fighting between Congolese army and M23 rebels is fuelling displacement and regional tensions. M23 rebels have closed in on the capital of North Kivu as fighting with government forces escalates in northeastern Democratic Republic of the Congo. Hundreds of thousands of people are arriving in Goma in the hope…

US ‘strongly condemns’ violence in DR Congo after alleged drone attack | Conflict News

US ‘strongly condemns’ violence in DR Congo after alleged drone attack | Conflict News

State Department says escalating violence poses risk to millions of people facing displacement and deprivation. The United States has condemned growing violence in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), blaming an armed group it says is backed by neighbouring Rwanda. Fighting has flared in recent days in the eastern…

DR Congo accuses Rwanda of airport ‘drone attack’ in restive east | Armed Groups News

DR Congo accuses Rwanda of airport ‘drone attack’ in restive east | Armed Groups News

The Democratic Republic of the Congo has accused Rwanda of carrying out a drone attack that damaged a civilian aircraft at the airport in the strategic eastern city of Goma, the capital of North Kivu province. Fighting has flared in recent days around the town of Sake, 20km (12 miles)…

Two South African soldiers killed in DR Congo amid uptick in violence | Armed Groups News

Two South African soldiers killed in DR Congo amid uptick in violence | Armed Groups News

The soldiers are part of a Southern African contingent deployed to fight the many armed groups roaming eastern DR Congo. South Africa said on Thursday that two of its soldiers had been killed by mortar fire in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the first fatalities since it deployed troops…