Patrice Evra: ‘Not a victim, but a survivor’ of sexual abuse | Football

Patrice Evra: ‘Not a victim, but a survivor’ of sexual abuse | Football

The former French footballer discusses his journey to stardom, battling racism and overcoming sexual abuse. Born in Senegal and raised in France, Patrice Evra rose to fame playing for Manchester United and Juventus, facing racism on and off the pitch. Later in his career, Evra revealed that he was sexually…

Sexual violence still a major threat as Sudan’s conflict grinds on | Sexual Assault

Sexual violence still a major threat as Sudan’s conflict grinds on | Sexual Assault

Cairo, Egypt – While sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) has increased notably in Sudan during the fighting that has torn the country apart since April, it has been an epidemic there long before April 15, according to Sara Musa, an activist with the Darfur Women’s Forum. Musa and several other…

There is nowhere safe for children to go in Gaza | Israel-Palestine conflict

There is nowhere safe for children to go in Gaza | Israel-Palestine conflict

By ordering families to move, Israel is not ensuring that they survive, but merely giving them the option to die another way, elsewhere. I have spent the last week in Gaza, where I’ve witnessed a dire situation becoming catastrophic. While visiting a shelter in the south, I met a displaced…