Supreme Court to Hear Oklahoma Religious Charter School Case

Supreme Court to Hear Oklahoma Religious Charter School Case

#news #newstoday #topnews #newsupdates #trendingnews #topstories #headlines The Supreme Court agreed on Friday to consider a high-profile case that could open the door to allowing public dollars to directly fund religious schools. The widely watched case out of Oklahoma could transform the line between church and state in education, and…

GOP Senate candidate runs on school choice in New Mexico — where reading scores are dead last in the nation

GOP Senate candidate runs on school choice in New Mexico — where reading scores are dead last in the nation

PHOENIX — Donald Trump’s unexpected rally in Albuquerque, NM, Thursday will bring added attention to the state’s under-the-radar Senate race — and hence to the under-the-radar issue of school choice. Republican hopeful Nella Domenici, daughter of the late Sen. Pete Domenici, is a businesswoman who with her husband runs the state’s…

Carl Heastie ignores what his voters want on crime and charter schools

Carl Heastie ignores what his voters want on crime and charter schools

One of the reasons people are cynical about politics is because their elected representatives show more allegiance to their personal interests and lobbyists than their own constituents.  Too many politicians are like an abusive partner who swears it’ll be different this time if we just give him or her one…

Parents want charters because schools are for kids, not unions — politicians, wake up!

Parents want charters because schools are for kids, not unions — politicians, wake up!

As if state legislators and union leaders fearmongering about charter-school costs weren’t enough, Mayor Eric Adams, when he should be championing the city’s kids, is instead caving and joining that crowd. There’s no reality to charter schools costing $1 billion extra in any foreseeable future, but that doesn’t stop the ridiculous narrative against the increasingly…