Pluto May Have Captured Its Biggest Moon Charon After an Ancient Dance and Kiss

Pluto May Have Captured Its Biggest Moon Charon After an Ancient Dance and Kiss

#news #newstoday #topnews #newsupdates #trendingnews #topstories #headlines Some 4.5 billion years ago, the dwarf planet Pluto was suddenly joined by a companion. For a very brief period — perhaps only hours — they danced as if arm in arm before gently separating, a grand do-si-do that resulted in Pluto and…

NASA’s New Horizons Data Helps Identify a Possible Source for Pluto’s Moon Charon’s Red Cap

NASA’s New Horizons Data Helps Identify a Possible Source for Pluto’s Moon Charon’s Red Cap

Scientists combined data from NASA’s New Horizons mission with novel laboratory experiments and exospheric modelling to reveal the likely composition of the red cap on Pluto’s moon Charon and how it may have formed. This first-ever description of Charon’s dynamic methane atmosphere using new experimental data provides a fascinating glimpse…

Researchers Unravel The Origin And Composition Of Red Spot On Pluto’s Moon Charon

Researchers Unravel The Origin And Composition Of Red Spot On Pluto’s Moon Charon

Combining data obtained from several sources, scientists have managed to unravel the mystery behind the red cap on Pluto’s moon Charon and its composition. NASA’s interplanetary space probe New Horizons had captured the reddish region on the top of Charon and collected data in 2015. After the encounter, scientists soon…