How do I stay motivated at work after being denied a promotion?

How do I stay motivated at work after being denied a promotion?

I was told that I was performing above and beyond, but the company is struggling financially and said they can’t justify a lot of promotions this year. Last year, some co-workers jumped two levels. I know promotions aren’t always fair or equitable, but I’m disappointed and depressed. There are so…

Are you ‘glossing?’ Pretending to be fine at work isn’t doing any good

Are you ‘glossing?’ Pretending to be fine at work isn’t doing any good

Countless workers are smiling through the stress via a phenomenon called “glossing” and it’s time to put an end to it. “Glossing” refers to excessive optimism to dismiss difficulties at work, including real emotional struggles and negative emotions, said Dr. Trina Clayeux, PhD, of Raleigh, NC, and CEO at Give…

Is a noncompete clause holding you back? The law may be changing

Is a noncompete clause holding you back? The law may be changing

In January, the Federal Trade Commission proposed a rule that could be a game changer for workers: US employers could be banned from imposing and enforcing noncompete clauses across the country. The rule could retroactively invalidate existing noncompetes, too. Approximately 30 million Americans are restrained by a noncompete clause, and…