Newly Discovered Oxygen Reaction Existed in Primitive Atmosphere, Sheds Light on Origin of Life

Newly Discovered Oxygen Reaction Existed in Primitive Atmosphere, Sheds Light on Origin of Life

#news #newstoday #tech #technews #latestnews #techupdates #newsupdates A new method for oxygen formation in carbon dioxide-rich planetary atmospheres has been identified, potentially altering the approach to searching for extraterrestrial life. This discovery demonstrates a unique pathway for molecular oxygen production that may occur without the involvement of biological processes. The…

Environmental Impact of ISS Deorbit in 2031 Raises Concerns on Oceans and Atmosphere

Environmental Impact of ISS Deorbit in 2031 Raises Concerns on Oceans and Atmosphere

#news #newstoday #tech #technews #latestnews #techupdates #newsupdates The scheduled deorbit of the International Space Station (ISS) in 2031 has raised questions regarding potential environmental impacts. The 450-tonne orbital outpost, which has experienced issues such as coolant leaks and structural cracks, is expected to be retired in a controlled re-entry over…

Possibility of Finding Living Organisms on Venus Slim, New Analysis Suggests

Possibility of Finding Living Organisms on Venus Slim, New Analysis Suggests

Astronomers and researchers have been in constant search for finding life on other celestial bodies. A team of scientists earlier pointed at the possibility of the existence of life in the clouds of Venus. In 2020, scientists revealed that they had found phosphine gas in the cloud of Venus, sparking…