Former Child Labourer, now Lawyer, Passes on the Light of Freedom to Others — Global Issues

Former Child Labourer, now Lawyer, Passes on the Light of Freedom to Others — Global Issues

Amar Lai, a former child labourer, is now a human rights lawyer and a trustee of the 100 Million Campaign. He was saved from child labour by Nobel laureate Kailash Satyarthi who identified him while running an education campaign in the area where he worked alongside his parents in a…

WHO ‘concerned’ over COVID-19 outbreak in DPR Korea, reiterates full support — Global Issues

WHO ‘concerned’ over COVID-19 outbreak in DPR Korea, reiterates full support — Global Issues

In a statement, WHO took note of the “deaths and large number of people with fever” as reported by the official news agency KCNA, for DPRK – commonly known as North Korea – but said they are still awaiting information from the International Health Regulations national focal point, concerning the…

Pakistans Campaign to Contain Polio in Face of Vaccine Hesitancy — Global Issues

Pakistans Campaign to Contain Polio in Face of Vaccine Hesitancy — Global Issues

Authorities in North Waziristan district in Pakistan, vaccinate children against polio. With one case reported, intensified efforts to eradicate the disease are underway. Credit: Ashfaq Yusufzai/IPS by Ashfaq Yusufzai (peshawar, pakistan) Thursday, May 12, 2022 Inter Press Service PESHAWAR, Pakistan, May 12 (IPS) – Pakistan’s North Waziristan district authorities have launched…

Debt Crisis, Neocolonialism and Geopolitical Rivalry — Global Issues

Debt Crisis, Neocolonialism and Geopolitical Rivalry — Global Issues

Opinion by Asoka Bandarage (washington dc) Wednesday, May 11, 2022 Inter Press Service WASHINGTON DC, May 11 (IPS) – Sri Lanka is in the throes of an unprecedented economic crisis. Faced with a shortage of foreign exchange and defaulting on its foreign debt repayment, the country is unable to pay for…

Debt Crisis, Neocolonialism and Geopolitical Rivalry — Global Issues

Taliban orders women to stay home; cover up in public — Global Issues

According to information received by UNAMA, this is a formal directive rather than a recommendation, any violations of which will lead to the punishment of male relatives. UNAMA is deeply concerned with today’s announcement by the Taliban that all women must cover their faces in public, should only leave their…

Debt Crisis, Neocolonialism and Geopolitical Rivalry — Global Issues

On a mission to cut Papua New Guinea’s high levels of sexual violence — Global Issues

“Most of the survivors of gender-based violence that we see in the clinic are young adults,” says Primrose, Youth Coordinator for the Family Health Association (FHA) in East New Britain province. She has just stepped off stage after delivering a presentation to senior students of Kokopo Secondary School as part…

Pacific Community-Led Health Missions Arrive with Critical Support to Tonga and Kiribati Grappling with COVID-19 Surges — Global Issues

Pacific Community-Led Health Missions Arrive with Critical Support to Tonga and Kiribati Grappling with COVID-19 Surges — Global Issues

Pacific Community health experts conduct laboratory training for COVID-19 testing with their healthcare colleagues in Nuku’alofa, Tonga. Credit: Pacific Community (SPC) by Catherine Wilson (canberra, australia) Tuesday, May 03, 2022 Inter Press Service CANBERRA, Australia, May 03 (IPS) – Before the pandemic emerged in 2020, health services in many Pacific Island…