Shocking toll on children must be spur to action, says UN rights expert — Global Issues

Shocking toll on children must be spur to action, says UN rights expert — Global Issues

Three months since his last update to the UN rights forum in Geneva, Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar, Thomas Andrews, said that he’d met youngsters who’d fled the country after suffering “irreparable harm”.  Empty seat  Myanmar – whose seat was empty in the Council –…

Shocking toll on children must be spur to action, says UN rights expert — Global Issues

Older Persons as Agents of Development — Global Issues

Opinion by Armida Salsiah Alisjahbana (bangkok, thailand) Wednesday, June 29, 2022 Inter Press Service BANGKOK, Thailand, Jun 29 (IPS) – Older persons are highly visible across Asia and the Pacific: they work in agricultural fields producing our food supplies, peddle their wares as street vendors, drive tuk-tuks and buses, exercise in…

Bangladesh Flood Victims Cry for Relief — Global Issues

Bangladesh Flood Victims Cry for Relief — Global Issues

Relief workers bring supplies to stranded communities following devastating floods in Bangladesh. Credit: Rafiqul Islam/IPS by Rafiqul Islam (dhaka) Tuesday, June 28, 2022 Inter Press Service DHAKA, Jun 28 (IPS) – After losing everything in the recent devastating flood that swept the northeastern districts in Bangladesh, pregnant mother Joynaba Akter, her…

Digital Training in Pakistani Villages Yields Bumper Participation — Global Issues

Digital Training in Pakistani Villages Yields Bumper Participation — Global Issues

Uzma of Ahmedpur Lama village, Punjab province, using her mobile phone at home. Credit: Irfan Ulhaq/IPS by Irfan Ulhaq (rahim yar khan, punjab, pakistan) Tuesday, June 28, 2022 Inter Press Service RAHIM YAR KHAN, Punjab, Pakistan, Jun 28 (IPS) – Farmer Abdul Waheed, 32, has been using his cell phone for…

Shocking toll on children must be spur to action, says UN rights expert — Global Issues

Countries urged to ‘dig deep’ and support Afghanistan in aftermath of deadly earthquake — Global Issues

“Yesterday’s visit reaffirmed to me both the extreme suffering of people in Afghanistan and their tremendous resolve in the face of great adversity,” said Dr. Ramiz Alakbarov, Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Humanitarian Coordinator for Afghanistan. The UN and partners have developed a three-month emergency appeal, included within…

Digital Tools Complement Organic Farming at Islamic School in Indonesia — Global Issues

Digital Tools Complement Organic Farming at Islamic School in Indonesia — Global Issues

Orange trees growing with the help of a digital watering system attached to the water tank on the right side. Al Ittifaq farm, Ciwidey, West Java, Indonesia. Credit: Kompas by Kafil Yamin (ciwidey, west java, indonesia) Friday, June 24, 2022 Inter Press Service CIWIDEY, West Java, Indonesia, Jun 24 (IPS) –…

Shocking toll on children must be spur to action, says UN rights expert — Global Issues

Life-saving relief continues to reach quake-hit eastern Afghanistan — Global Issues

One of the UN teams on the ground, the refugee agency UNHCR, transported tons of relief items into the provinces of Khost and Paktika, where several thousand houses were destroyed or damaged by the 5.9 magnitude quake that struck early on Wednesday. The latest tally from Thursday evening indicated that at least 1,036…

Digital Technology Buoys Indonesian Catfish Farmers — Global Issues

Digital Technology Buoys Indonesian Catfish Farmers — Global Issues

Men working for Edy Prasetyo harvesting catfish in Indramayu, West Java, take a break on a recent day. Credit: Kafil Yamin/IPS by Kafil Yamin (indramayu, indonesia) Friday, June 24, 2022 Inter Press Service INDRAMAYU, Indonesia, Jun 24 (IPS) – For years Indramayu has been known as one of Indonesia’s rice centres….

New and Old Afghan Refugees Make the Best of Life in Neighbouring Pakistan — Global Issues

New and Old Afghan Refugees Make the Best of Life in Neighbouring Pakistan — Global Issues

A man sells poultry in Refugees Market, Peshawar, on 17 June. Credit: Ashfaq Yusufzai/IPS. by Ashfaq Yusufzai (peshawar) Thursday, June 23, 2022 Inter Press Service PESHAWAR, Jun 23 (IPS) – “We came here in 1979 after Russia’s invasion of Afghanistan. My children and grandchildren have grown up here and they don’t…

Iran urged to halt imminent finger amputation of eight prisoners — Global Issues

Iran urged to halt imminent finger amputation of eight prisoners — Global Issues

The men were sentenced to “have four fingers on their right hands completely cut off so that only the palms of their hands and their thumbs are left”.  OHCHR is deeply concerned that the amputations are imminent.  Guillotine already installed  Of the eight prisoners, seven were identified as Hadi Rostami,…