Entrepreneurship Blooms in Villages Bordering Pakistan Desert — Global Issues

Entrepreneurship Blooms in Villages Bordering Pakistan Desert — Global Issues

Naseem Bano at home educating her children using her mobile phone. Credit: Irfan Ulhaq/IPS by Irfan Ulhaq (rahim yar khan, pakistan) Tuesday, July 12, 2022 Inter Press Service RAHIM YAR KHAN, Pakistan, Jul 12 (IPS) – Villagers living with a desert at their doorstep in Pakistan’s eastern Punjab province are finding…

Recalling Shinzo Abe with Respect — Global Issues

UN chief calls for dialogue to ensure ‘smooth transition’ of power — Global Issues

President Gotabaya Rajapaksa has yet to comment publicly on the occupation of his residence, along with that of Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe, but the Prime Minister’s office reportedly said it had been informed that the President planned to step down on Wednesday. President Rajapaksa has become the focus for widespread…

Recalling Shinzo Abe with Respect — Global Issues

“Bioprospecting”, Cambodia’s sustainable gold rush — Global Issues

Cambodia, which has a wealth of medicinal plants native to the country, has a real potential to benefit from bioprospecting, but is at risk of a variety of threats, such as the overexploitation of plants, overharvesting of forest products, and climate change.] However, since 2011, the UN has been helping…

Differently-Abled Farmers Integrate Digital Technology, Aim To Set Example For Others — Global Issues

Differently-Abled Farmers Integrate Digital Technology, Aim To Set Example For Others — Global Issues

Rawan Bo-khuntod (left) and another farmer planting seedlings. Credit: Pattama Kuentak/IPS by Pattama Kuentak (khlong song, thailand) Wednesday, July 06, 2022 Inter Press Service KHLONG SONG, Thailand, Jul 06 (IPS) – Hidden in Pathumthaini province just outside of Bangkok, 0.24 hectares of land adjacent to Seangsan temple has been turned into…

Recalling Shinzo Abe with Respect — Global Issues

Bachelet calls for impartial, ‘transparent investigation’ into Uzbekistan protest deaths — Global Issues

“The reports we have received about serious violence, including killings, during the protests are very concerning,” said High Commissioner Michelle Bachelet, while calling on authorities to “exercise utmost restraint”.  Death toll According to the Prosecutor General’s office, 18 people were killed and 243 injured, including 94 seriously, during the clashes…

Why We Need a Digital Safe Space for LGBTQ Youth Thoughts from Asian Teens — Global Issues

Why We Need a Digital Safe Space for LGBTQ Youth Thoughts from Asian Teens — Global Issues

Students from a GSA-based primarily in Gyeonggi-do have a Lesbian Visibility Week meeting to discuss the role of GSAs in creating a supportive community for LGBTQ people. Opinion by Chaeeun Shin – Junwoo Na – Minchae Kang (seoul & nonthaburi, thailand) Monday, July 04, 2022 Inter Press Service Seoul & Nonthaburi,…

In Afghanistan, women take their lives out of desperation, Human Rights Council hears — Global Issues

In Afghanistan, women take their lives out of desperation, Human Rights Council hears — Global Issues

It comes as the top UN rights forum in Geneva agreed to Member States’ request for a rare Urgent Debate on the issue this Friday. Addressing the Council, Fawzia Koofi, former deputy speaker of the Afghan Parliament, said lack of opportunity and ailing mental health, was taking a terrible toll:…