Some Overwatch 2 Fans Are Calling Widowmaker’s New Skin “Pay To Lose”
A new Overwatch 2 event is currently live, and some fans are voicing their opinions on the latest Widowmaker skin by calling it “pay to lose.” The current event has a handful of heroes, all in Greek mythology skins.
Thanks to a CharlieIntel report, we know that the Medusa skin on Widowmaker is disadvantaging players. The report goes on to share a tweet by Brian St. Pierre, an Overwatch 2 pro, who showcases how loud the snakes on Widowmaker’s head are in a tweet, which makes it difficult to hear where the enemies are and easier for them to spot you due to the noise they make.
The new Medusa skin is so loud it actively punishes you for using it. Not only can you not hear enemy footsteps you also can’t hide either. The enemy team can hear the snakes/hair on the Medusa skin & pinpoint your location from them.
— Brian St. Pierre (@Kephrii) January 4, 2023
A large reason why some fans are upset about this is that the only way to obtain this skin is by purchasing it with real-world money.
The Battle for Olympus event puts heroes in a free-for-all deathmatch, and the hero with the highest kill count at the end of the game get’s a statue of themselves placed in Illios Ruins and is declared the champion.
Overwatch 2 is a free-to-play game, and you can download it on the Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, and PC.
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