Ruby Franke’s Husband Kevin Details Her Involvement in “Cult” Religion

Ruby Franke’s Husband Kevin Details Her Involvement in “Cult” Religion

To help Jodi through her dark period, Kevin said he and Ruby called in a bishop, who went over to the counselor’s house every night for hours at a time to fight “evil spirits” and “cast the demons out.” However, after feeling like he wasn’t getting anywhere, Jodi came to live with the couple instead. 

“[Jodi and Ruby] started sleeping in the same bed,” Kevin shared, “then [Ruby] started having, like, trances and stuff. I would say it was probably around September where she believed that she was going to heaven and seeing God and Jesus and talking with them.”

He added that sometimes they would also “lock themselves in a room for four or five hours,” and when they came out, Ruby would tell him she “had this amazing vision and ‘I wrote and recorded it all down.’ And, ‘We have a work to do from God.'”

In the end, Kevin decided he “wanted to move on with life,” and he and Ruby got an “in-home separation” before he filed for divorce in December, with his lawyer saying the pair had been living apart from for more than a year before her arrest. 

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