Pokémon TCG to Release Halloween ‘BOOster Bundles’ to Hand Out Instead of Candy
The Pokémon Company has announced a BOOster Bundle of trading cards for people to give out instead of candy on Halloween.
As reported by GameSpot, The BOOster Bundle comes with 40 mini packets of Pokémon cards, each including a pumpkin Pikachu stamp and three trading cards.
Given the BOOster name and Trick or Trade tagline, the bundle is all Halloween themed, featuring Gengar on the front and a variety of other spooky Pokémon inside. Though The Pokémon Company hasn’t said if these will be unique cards for this mini set or just reprints of previously released cards, it’s so far confirmed that Gengar, Mimikyu, Polteageist, Pumpkaboo, and Zubat will all feature.
The Halloween BOOster Bundle from The Pokémon Company. Credit: The Pokémon Company
The pack will be available on September 1 alongside the next full set, Lost Origin, and available from anywhere that sells Pokémon trading cards typically.
It’s not the first time people have broken the mould with Pokémon cards lately, as the last Pokémon GO set featured an amazing new hidden Ditto mechanic. A reality show based on the trading card game was also announced, and someone even entered an official Pokémon card tournament with a deck exclusively made of jumbo sized cards.
Ryan Dinsdale is an IGN freelancer. He’ll talk about The Witcher all day.
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