Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Hands-On Preview – Everything We Know

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Hands-On Preview – Everything We Know

Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet are less than a month away, and I was lucky enough to go hands-on with a special demo build, specifically of Pokemon Scarlet. I could explore a large area and tackle three main story tasks in any order, and I opted to get a taste of as many things as I could in the hour I had, including the Let’s Go! feature, picnics, a Starfall Street challenge, a Gym Test and battle, plus, character customization. Here are my hands-on impressions of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, with summaries of everything we know about the games so far.

Paldea, the First Open-World Pokemon Region

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet both take place in the region of Paldea, widely believed to be inspired by Spain, and perhaps the entirety of the Iberian Peninsula. It’s the first truly open-world-style Pokemon game, which should let you go where you want when you want to with three different storylines, all part of your school’s “Treasure Hunt” assignment, to follow at your discretion.

These different story paths are Victory Road, with the traditional goal of defeating Gym Leaders to claim the title of Champion; Path of Legends, which tasks you with fighting Titan Pokemon to collect rare Herba Mystica; and Starfall Street, which requires you to infiltrate the delinquent Team Star’s bases and defeat their bosses.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Version Differences

In the demo I played, I spawned by the main character’s home with the Legendary Pokemon Koraidon already in tow. In Scarlet, Koraidon serves as your trusty mount that can run, jump, climb, and glide; but in Violet, that role is taken by the Legendary Pokemon Miraidon instead. This is just one of many version differences between Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, which also include other exclusive Pokemon and even different professors.

After getting a feel for moving around (and inverting the camera), I set out to have a picnic and check out the new Let’s Go! feature.

Bond With Your Pokemon at Picnics

While having a picnic in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, you can play with, take photos of, and bathe the Pokemon in your party. Washing up your Pokemon supposedly strengthens their bond with you, which I assume references the hidden friendship mechanics that allow, say, an Eevee to be able to evolve into an Umbreon.

I made my own sandwich while picnicking, which was novel enough, but I likely wouldn’t revisit the physics-based minigame often if it weren’t for the small buffs the meals provide. These buffs do a range of things, from increasing a specific type’s effectiveness to increasing spawn rates of specific groups of Pokemon – even Shiny Pokemon!

Let’s Go! Sends Your Pokemon to Auto Battle and Collect Items

After the short picnic, I tried out the new Let’s Go! feature (not to be confused with the games of the same subtitle.) Tossing out a Poke Ball will release your party’s lead, who will engage in an Auto Battle with wild Pokemon nearby, or pick up any nearby items, which classically appear as Poke Balls on the ground. Your Pokemon stick near you as you explore, even if you’re mounted on your Legendary Pokemon companion, with notifications of its escapades appearing in the top right of the screen.

The experience earned from an Auto-Battle is still spread across the entire party, but is largely decreased compared to what you’d earn from a normal wild Pokemon battle. This is honestly a relief – if Auto Battles granted the same amount of XP as a normal battle, I’d probably accidentally power level, especially since I’ll be using Auto Battles as a way to collect Pokemon Materials dropped by defeated Wild Pokemon.

These Pokemon Materials are needed to craft TMs at the TM Machine at Pokemon Centers, another new system introduced in Scarlet and Violet. However, you won’t know what materials are needed until you’ve found them first – making Auto Battles almost a necessary addition for this new system to be fun instead of arduous. Imagine forcing yourself to initiate a traditional turn-based battle with every single Pokemon you see just in case it might drop material for a TM you want to craft! It’s worth noting I also found a TM on the ground as you normally would, too, but we don’t yet know if some TMs are exclusively obtainable one way or the other.

I’m still concerned about what happens if you encounter a Shiny Pokemon with Auto Battle enabled – will your Pokemon automatically unalive it if you don’t notice? Oof. Here’s hoping there’s a built-in system to prevent that, but at least I know you can call your Pokemon back at will.