Pisces Monthly Horoscope – Free Pisces Horoscope for March 2023 From the AstroTwins

Pisces Monthly Horoscope – Free Pisces Horoscope for March 2023 From the AstroTwins


Just say it, Pisces…wait, no don’t! With the Taurus Sun heating up your communication house until May 21, you’re feeling extra chatty. But Mercury, the planet of expression and ideas, is retrograde in Taurus until May 14, imposing an emergency gag order on those edgy comments, which are almost certain to be misunderstood. Shadowy and vengeful Pluto will also turn retrograde in your twelfth house of hidden agendas and confusion on May 1, upping the odds that your intentions will be read incorrectly. Anything you say, even if it’s meant to be kind, can and will be held against you.

Write down your ideas then stash them away until the second half of the month. On May 16, lucky and outspoken Jupiter makes an epic move into Taurus, starting a yearlong voyage through this realm. Between now and May 25, 2024, the stars anoint you thought leader, toastmaster and innovator. Your message will be well received if you can hang on till mid-May!

That might prove challenging on May 5, though, when a Scorpio lunar (full moon) eclipse sweeps through your ninth house of truth-telling. You may not be able to keep your beliefs and opinions bottled up. Do your best to find a constructive channel. Focus on capturing the brilliant brainstorms but maybe not sharing them publicly yet. An opportunity to travel, study or launch a business could arrive, perhaps without notice!

The later half of the month may keep you busy with odds and ends and maybe some household stuff. On May 20, energizer Mars enters Leo and your sixth house of health and organization. You could get inspired to kick off a spring fitness program or do a massive decluttering and renovation. Just be careful—hasty Mars here can make you accident prone. Keep the stress levels in check and don’t rush! 

Gemini season begins on May 21, and the Sun will settle into your domestic fourth house, inviting you to slow down even more and savor some self-care. Most Pisces don’t need too much prompting (if any) for that. Get back in tune with your body, sink into your favorite cozy nook with a novel, and enjoy nurturing and being nurtured by your loved ones.

It’s Taurus season until May 21

Charge your devices, Pisces. The Sun is spinning through Taurus and your communicative third house until May 21, bringing nonstop information and invitations your way. It seems like everyone and their pet puggle wants to share their news and get your input. Meanwhile, you’ve got plenty to say yourself! This is a buzzing, busy season where your imagination can shine.

But keep a few of your million-dollar ideas—and your outlandish opinions—under wraps until May 14. Mercury, the planet of communication, travel and technology, is retrograde until then. Even worse, it’s backing through Taurus, doubling the odds that you’ll be misunderstood. Use the first half of the month for research and refinement. Devour thought-provoking articles and books, watch informative videos and listen to insightful podcasts. You never know what genius ideas all this brain food will yield, and it can help you sharpen your own creative output!

With Mercury retrograde here, conflict could erupt with a sibling, neighbor or friend. What are you REALLY battling over? Maybe it’s a deeper resentment that never got addressed. It might as easily be something petty that you need to leave behind already. Once Mercury starts to fly straight on May 14, you’ll be in a far better position to smooth over drama, nail important pitch meetings and get your message across.

Far from the shallow now: Pluto turns retrograde in Aquarius on May 1

What lies beneath, Pisces? Deep-digging Pluto begins its annual five-month retrograde on May 1 (until October 10). Pluto begins the reversal in Aquarius and your twelfth house of surrender and your inner workings. Over the next six weeks, you’ll be primed to deal with some seemingly intractable old baggage. Maybe it’s time to return to therapy, especially if you’re confronting deep-seated fears and subconscious issues that you’ve grown accustomed to sweeping aside. Facing your very worst “what if” scenario might be your key to emotional freedom. 

Seeking more meaning from life? Immersing yourself in spiritual or mystical study can be a great cushion, helping you navigate larger anxieties. As tempting as it can be to get entrenched in resentment or a victim mindset, spend your precious energy learning how to let go and trust the universe on all matters, including karmic retribution. Instead of being the judge and jury, accept all situations and people as teachers. Through this lens, what have you learned? And how can these lessons propel you forward? 

On June 11, Pluto will backflip into Capricorn and your eleventh house of teamwork and collaborations. It’ll shuffle back and forth twice before returning to Aquarius in November 2024 “for keeps”—well, for the next 20 years (yes, really!).Who ARE the people that belong on Team Pisces? You’ll certainly know by the end of this cycle. Consider this a sneak preview of your next transformational cycle—and get ready to rise into your role as a powerful spiritual or artistic force of nature.

The May 5 Scorpio full moon lunar eclipse ignites inspiration

A viclass=”body-el-link standard-body-el-link” sionary idea could take flight when the May 5 Scorpio lunar eclipse and full moon illuminates your ninth house of inspiration, travel and expansion. Think bigger than big, Pisces! This no-limits lunation is ultra-rare, so use the momentum and make that leap of faith. Let these moonbeams buoy your confidence to take a risk: Book a bucket-list trip, incorporate that dream business or make a decisive step toward one of your big goals.

This is the final Scorpio eclipse in a two-year series rippling across the Taurus/Scorpio axis between November 2021 and October 2023. These eclipses are touching down in your communication sectors, helping you craft a powerful message and speak your truth.

Have you been biting your tongue instead of keeping it real? This outspoken full moon could bring a clarifying moment of honesty. While the truth could sting initially, you’ll feel so free getting it off your chest. As long as you remain tactful, your courageous communication could pave the way for greater authenticity in the long run.

Mercury retrograde is finally over May 14

Rejoice! Today, Mercury powers forward after a challenging retrograde that began on April 21, foiling technology, communication and travel. Now as Mercury corrects course in Taurus and your communication house, you can finally press “send” on those emails and “post” on those viral videos to get your message safelyclass=”body-el-link standard-body-el-link” into the world. But no need to do an entire Instagram photo dump at once, Pisces. Mercury’s “retroshade” shadow phase will linger until June 1, nagging at us with some remaining after-effects. If possible, save your very best debuts until then.

Big day! Jupiter enters Taurus for a year on May 16

Now for some really exciting May news: Jupiter’s move into Taurus! From May 16, 2023, until May 25, 2024, Jupiter will sail through your third house of communication, local action and intellectual curiosity. This 12-month cycle will be a boon for writing, media, marketing and an overall sense of discovery. You’ll crave variety, and your hungry mind won’t be sated by any one thing. Explore new hobbies and DIY projects. Talk to people you normally wouldn’t. Join committees, attend gatherings and perfect your elevator pitch.

Branding yourself as “socially awkward” is no longer a valid excuse for dodging those dinner parties, Pisces. With open-minded (and open-hearted) Jupiter in this kindred-spirits zone, it’s time to start dismantling those artificial barriers. Own your quirks and be willing to be amused by your antics instead of taking what you do so seriously. Lightening up will go a LONG way in increasing your enjoyment of life!

Worldly Jupiter is the planet of growth and risk-taking, and its visit to your neighborhood nook can bring new adventures right on your home turf. You could bond with people who are different from your usual type, making friendships that bridge philosophies and interests. You might get more involved in cultural offerings or share your own brilliance in your ‘hood. Is it time to attend that writer’s group or open your vintage pop-up shop? Or maybe “Mayor Pisces” has a ring to it! Adopt an experimental approach and try, try, try. 

If you don’t vibe with the current locals, you could spend the next year visiting different cities or checking out new communities that might be a better fit. Jupiter was last in Taurus from June 2011 to June 2012, so page back to that time for similar themes that could repeat themselves now. You may have commuted a lot or spent time searching for a place to call home. Spoiler: When Jupiter moves into your home sector in May 2024, you’ll be ready to put down actual roots. Until then, make like Dorothy on the yellow brick road and journey along, picking up a few friends on the way. 

The Taurus new moon is on May 19

Now that Mercury retrograde is behind us (whew!), the May 19 Taurus new moon could be the perfect day for brainstorming, gathering or initiating talks about an exciting collaboration. If you’ve been feeling meeting-of-the-minds chemistry with someone, this new moon in your third house of communication and community could help launch a trial project to test your connection. Start with something low-risk that plays to both of your strengths. As the new moon’s energy unfolds between now and the October 28 Taurus full moon (also a lunar eclipse!), you could develop a dynamic duo. And if not? Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Since the third house rules siblings and neighbors, you might turn over a new leaf with a brother or sister (or a friend who’s just as close as one). Looking for a new ‘hood to hang out in or call home? Start exploring possibilities, spending free time in those areas or even renting an Airbnb to “try before you buy” (or rent). Mixing things up will bring a refreshing dose of novelty to your world, getting you excited about life again.

The May 20 Mars-Pluto opposition gets fierce

Ouch, did you really just say that? On May 20, Mars moves into Leo and your critical sixth house, immediately opposing shadowy Pluto in your twelfth house of sacrifice and endings. Something you’ve been holding in for way too long could suddenly surface. This could provoke volcanic anger and passive-aggressive showdowns. Buried resentments can bubble up, and you could fling cutting, critical words that hit below the belt. Careful, Pisces! It will be hard to take those caustic comments back.

With Mars in your health house, some wellness issues could present themselves. If you’ve been pushing a nagging ache aside or putting off a checkup, it’s better to get to the root of what ails you than to let it snowball into something bigger. The mind-body-spirit connection will be strong, so any issues are likely to have an emotional underpinning. Don’t just treat the symptoms now. 

The sixth house rules helpful people, and with Mars here, a service provider or employee could become a source of stress. Is a certain member of Team Pisces acting selfish or unreliable? Maybe you’re short-handed and need more assistance to pull off a project. Don’t try to DIY this one. Invest in the resources you need so you can do this right. 

Gemini season starts May 21

Ready to dive into those mermaid depths again? You’ll get some downtime starting May 21, when the Sun enters Gemini and your domestic fourth house for a four-week respite. In between your buzzing social engagements, relax at Chateau Pisces, switch over to your seasonal decor and do a little outdoor entertaining, weather permitting. Quality time with family will keep you grounded even as Jupiter revs up your social life and Mars in Leo keeps your to-do list brimming. Work hard, but rest even harder!

With lusty Mars revving its engines in Cancer and your fifth house of passion this month, your desires are blasting louder than the speakers at Coachella. If you’re unattached, sample freely from life’s sensual smorgasbord, nibbling here and there without feeling pressured to commit to any one direction. Starting on May 7, vixen Venus will join the Cancer party, dialing up the sensuality and glamour. You’ll be in the mood for anything that stokes your fire during this playful and pleasure-seeking transit. Just look both ways before leaping since communicator Mercury is retrograde until May 14, scrambling signals and obscuring some of the info needed to make smart choices.

If you’re in a newish relationship, your attention may flit about, but if you want to give a special connection a fighting chance, resist. Same advice goes for solid couples: Channel that hunger toward your beloved, perhaps trying out some new moves in the boudoir to spice things up. It’s also a highly fertile time, which is good news for those with bambinos on the brain.

Need a break from the intensity? From May 20 to July 10, Mars will blaze through Leo and your analytical, healthy sixth house. For couples, this is a great time to kick off a spring and summer fitness plan with clean eating and lots of movement. Single Pisces could meet someone through work, doing community service (say “yes” to that park or shoreline cleanup!) or at the fitness studio. The sixth house rules pets, so striking up a convo in the cat food aisle or the dog park could turn your love life into an adorable romcom plot waiting to happen. 

Start (selectively) spreading the news! With the Sun in Taurus and your communication house until May 21, you’ve got three weeks to boldly share your ideas and get the hype machine rolling. But with messenger Mercury retrograde until May 14, you’ll want to unveil your concepts selectively—or later this month. Specifically, you might wait until May 16, when lucky Jupiter moves into Taurus for a full year, bringing exciting kindred spirits and amazing opportunities to teach, learn and share what you know.

Got a big ask or announcement to make? Earmark the May 19 Taurus new moon. A conversation or meeting of the minds could blossom into something bigger. With go-getter Mars in Cancer and your creative fifth house until May 20, your natural Pisces gift of imagination will be put to good (and potentially profitable) use!

The May 5 Scorpio lunar eclipse could ignite a visionary idea or prompt you to take a big risk. With la luna in this expansive zone, you’ll feel like anything’s possible. Dream big and don’t limit yourself now. A chance to publish your work, travel or launch an entrepreneurial venture could be on the table. Got the passion but lacking experience? This supercharged full moon could light the way to a class or certification program that can give you the know-how to confidently pursue your path. Embrace a “lifelong learner” mindset!

Love Days: 22, 27

Money Days: 7, 16

Luck Days: 5, 14

Off Days: 25, 30

See All Signs

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