Nikita Charuza’s Favorite Beauty Products

Nikita Charuza’s Favorite Beauty Products

The Lineup is a monthly series where we’re giving you an inside peek at the beauty lineups of the most sought-after experts and tastemakers in the industry. Get ready for a behind-the-scenes look at all the can’t-live-without products that make their worlds go ’round.

Editor-turned-founder Nikita Charuza and I bond over many things: constantly moving and switching schools during childhood, working in editorial, and of course, our passion for beauty. “My love for beauty and fashion was how I made friends at school,” she tells me. She moved more than 12 times when she was growing up, but no matter where she lived, the one thing that stayed consistent was her family’s weekly haircare and skincare rituals. “We would blast music or put on a Bollywood movie and make Ayurvedic hair oils and face masks,” she says. “I vividly remember after my friends saw my mother’s long hair, they came over and begged me to teach them how to make these magical concoctions, and that’s when I knew they were something special.”

Charuza founded Squigs in 2022 to honor her culture’s beauty rituals. “I never saw our Indian culture represented in the media in the beauty and fashion landscape,” Charuza says. “With Squigs, we’re really trying to make Ayurveda feel approachable, fun, and effective for all.” Curious what that looks like in practice? Here’s a glimpse at Charuza’s Ayurvedic self-care rituals.

Squigs Beauty Nikita Charuza

Hair oiling: “The hero ingredient in our five-time award-winning Gooseberry Delight Hair Oil is amla, the Indian gooseberry. It’s based on what my great-grandmother Aai and I would make when I was younger. It also has kalonji, castor, and coconut oils. I love applying it as an overnight pre-wash treatment. Hair-oiling newbies often get scared at the thought of leaving your hair in oil overnight because of the misconception that it will clog your pores, but ours was specially created for that. I promise in just one night, you’ll see a difference with your hair feeling stronger, shiner, and healthier overall.”