How to avoid front runners on decentralized crypto exchanges

How to avoid front runners on decentralized crypto exchanges

Decentralized exchanges (DEXs) nip in the bud several issues concerning their centralized counterparts such as concentration of liquidity in the hands of a few players, compromise of funds in case of a security breach, closed control structure and more. One issue, however, that has refused to subside is front-running. Unscrupulous…

Binance reportedly halts crypto derivatives service in Spain

Binance reportedly halts crypto derivatives service in Spain

Binance stands as one of the most persistent crypto exchanges when it comes to gaining regulatory approval and operational licenses from regulators across the world. In this effort to operate as a fully licensed financial institution, the exchange has stopped offering it’s crypto derivatives services in Spain as it reportedly…

Nvidia to Pay .5-Million SEC Penalty for ‘Inadequate Disclosures’ About Cryptomining

Nvidia to Pay $5.5-Million SEC Penalty for ‘Inadequate Disclosures’ About Cryptomining

Nvidia Corporation has agreed to pay $5.5 million (roughly Rs. 42 crore) to settle civil charges that the technology firm did not properly disclose the impact of cryptomining on its gaming business, the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) said on Friday. In back-to-back quarters in fiscal 2018, Nvidia failed…